MINISTER of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson, on Saturday distributed a number of tools to residents of Block ‘R’ North Sophia Georgetown on Saturday to help with their drainage problems.

The minister told residents that the items represent just a start in the ministry’s effort to alleviate the flooding and assist with drainage in the community. Patterson said distribution of the tools is in response to a commitment he made to residents at a previous meeting. At that meeting, he said the residents had agreed to work together doing self-help to clean the drains and parapets of the community once they were provided with the tools. “As promised we have provided the tools for you to do self-help work,” the minister told the residents.
The tools received were 40 cutlasses, 28 shovels, 48 Buckets, 400 garbage bags, 12 Wheel Borrows, 32 rakes, 28 hoes, 20 forks and 28 Spades. Additionally the minister assured residents that government is working feverishly to address street lights and road repairs in the area. In explaining the drainage situation in the area, the minister said the area is low and the ministry is in the process of finding a way to drain the area since the trenches on the opposite ends of the community are higher.

Residents also took the opportunity to raise a number of other burning issues that have been affecting them over the years.
One of the issues raised was the regularisation of the area. The minister advised residents to form a delegation and visit the Department of Housing.