–Top Cop says public reacting to a ‘few’ sensational crimes
“THERE is no upsurge in crime in the State of Guyana,” but there have been a few sensational crimes which were reported in the media, according to Commissioner of Police, Leslie James.
During a press conference Monday at his Eve Leary office, the police commissioner assured Guyanese, the diaspora and visitors here that crime is not on the increase. “Our numbers are reflective from reports that are made to us, our statistics are borne from reports made to us,” he said. “We can only report what was reported to us; to date compared with last year for the corresponding period, we are operating at a (minus) -2.7 per cent.”
Acknowledging that the recent U.S. travel advisory which stated “violent crime, such as armed robbery and murder, is common” and that “local police lack the resources to respond effectively to serious criminal incidents,” the Top Cop said he spoke with an official of the U.S. Embassy and indicated that crimes reported to the Embassy were not reported to the Police.
“I have contacted one member of the US embassy in Georgetown and flowing from my action, what is apparent is that matters which were not reported to the police might have been reported to them, and I did say very, very clearly that all matters of crimes ought to be reported and it is only then we can have a proper representation of the truthful situation,” the commissioner said. Further, the Commissioner said that the Guyana Police Force (GPF) has engaged in reform, and a strategic plan which commenced in 2019 and goes up to 2022.
James said there is a Police Reform Board which consists of the Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan; members of the police executive leadership team, and two other persons from civil society.
He said that the board has terms of reference which the body will be guided by and there have been recommendations for a traffic advisory board, along with a training board, in keeping with the strategic developmental plan.
“With regard to infrastructural development, I can say part of what is in that plan is what we have clamored for, and from all indications, we are likely to obtain what we are referring to as, fit for the purpose materials and fit for the purpose vehicles,” the commissioner said.
Meanwhile, the police chief said that the GPF is always concerned with its response time to the reports of crimes. “I would urge that whenever any citizen of the state of Guyana experiences or encounters any lacklustre response or poor response after a call is made to our 911, there are channels within the Force that reports of such can be made,” James said.
The Commissioner of Police explained that each police divisions has an operations room and the phone numbers (227-1611, 227-1149, 227-1270, 225-6940 to 9) are public and citizens can make contact with ranks stationed.
James said that each Divisional Commander has the ability to interface with the media or public in all police divisions.