By Joe Chapman
THE plans for the staging of the first-ever Cameron/McNeil-promoted ‘Mackenzie High/Multi’ track and field championships are moving apace.
The event, which involves past and present students of the Mackenzie High School (MHS) and the Christianburg/Wismar Secondary ‘Multi’ School, is dubbed an Independence Day meet at the Mackenzie Sports Club (MSC) ground.
Main organiser of the event and former MHS track athlete, ‘Baldhead’ McNeil, told Chronicle Sport: “The major people that had promised to come on board are there. So far Banks DIH, Star Party Rentals, Guyana Power Producing and Distribution Centre, Easton Cordis, former national athlete Bruce Butcher and Guyana Defence Force’s Medical Officer Nigel Langhorne have contributed handsomely to this venture. Other pledges are still expected because the idea is to make this a grand event.”
This week one of the main sponsors for the MHS versus Multi clash, Guyana Power Producing and Distribution Inc. through its Chief Executive Officer Aaron Fraser, made a donation.
The meet will engender rivalry between the mining town’s top two schools, which have been producing the bulk of the athletes in recent times.
Asked about the challenge faced in organising the meet between the two arch rivals McNeil said “The schools basically can’t lose in terms of prizes, because the only thing the winning school will have over the other is the Marilyn DeAbreu Trophy and bragging rights.”
According to McNeil, “Both schools will get the same amount of money $100 000 and both will receive a 50-inch Smart television.”
The six primary schools across Linden will each receive 20 tickets to attend the track and field meet.