THE Regional Democratic Council (RDC), Region 10, is pushing forward with its capital projects under public infrastructure and communities on both the Mackenzie and Wismar shores have already benefited from road rehabilitation projects. On the Wismar shore, the Wisroc Access Road, Silver City Road and the Victory Valley access roads are some that have been rehabilitated. On the Mackenzie shore, roads at Amelia’s Ward has also commenced.
This early start, Regional Executive Officer, Orrin Gordon, explained is as a result of lessons learnt from 2018, which had approximately 38 roll-over projects.
The RDC is looking at 100 per cent expenditure in 2019 and are putting systems in place to avoid any hindrance to the expediting of projects in 2019. Such includes utilising auditor services to push the timeline and improve the general output, filling of pertinent vacancies and the utilisation of the regional tender board for expeditious awarding of contracts.

“We have learnt our lessons in 2018 and therefore it is incumbent on us to execute very early, hence it would have been seen that tenders were out for at least 35 projects, 20 being capital. That means we are in a better position than we were in last year, when our first award was made in April and having made your first award in April, it meant that you were playing catch up all the time. We are now having a chance to execute better, because we are starting earlier and there should be no reason why we shouldn’t complete our capital projects before the end of the first half,” REO Gordon said.
Some 20 roads are expected to be completed in 2019. In addition to the above mentioned, other roads that are expected to see major rehabilitation are the South Amelia’s Ward access road, Blinking Corner Block 22 road, Christianburg Front Road, Fraser Road Kara Kara, Main Street Amelia’s Ward, Central Amelia’s Ward access Road, Powis Crescent Road, Woodpecker Lane Amelia’s Ward, Highway Boulevard Amelia’s Ward, Wisburg School Road etc.
One of the main roads that was in a deplorable state and was the cry of residents for many years is the Victory Valley access road. This road has been completed. Chairman of the Community Development Council (CDC), Anthony Roberts, said that the once-neglected community of Linden is finally gaining attention from the authorities. The residents, he said, are very upbeat about the development occurring. “We are feeling grateful, we are already feeling pleased, thanks to the government for answering our call in a short time,” he said.
The residents are also pleased with the quality of the work that has been put in thus far on the road.
In addition to road and drainage rehabilitation, some of the additional capital works that Region 10 will benefit from in 2019 include purchasing of land and water transport for the health sector, including a refrigerator truck, furniture and equipment for schools; the upgrade of the Upper Demerara Hospital; the construction of the Amelia’s Ward Nursery School and the Christianburg Primary School (CPS). The CPS will be constructed to the tune of $40 Million at the same site, where the dilapidated structure stands.
The attention will not only be given to Linden, as 14 capital projects will be completed in the riverine communities, especially down the Berbice River. In Ituni, access roads will also be completed, in addition to the renovation of pavilions at the community’s playground.
Agriculture is a new programme that has been added to the RDC and $22.7M has been allocated. Priority is given to the construction of a farm-to-market road at Millies Hide Out, the establishment of shade houses – seven of which will be established in secondary schools, and training and technical support for farmers. The main objective is to increase agricultural production and output within the communities.