Ramsawak, Babulall two new faces on OSCL executive committee
OSCL executives: Standing (from left) Patrick Prashad, Budesh Ramsawak, Kim Sue, Ravindra Babulall, Vish Jadunauth and Frederick Halley. Sitting Terry Mathura (left) and Albert Ramcharran.
OSCL executives: Standing (from left) Patrick Prashad, Budesh Ramsawak, Kim Sue, Ravindra Babulall, Vish Jadunauth and Frederick Halley. Sitting Terry Mathura (left) and Albert Ramcharran.

By Frederick Halley

TORONTO, Canada – Budesh Ramsawak and Ravin Babulall are the two new faces on the Ontario Softball Cricket League (OSCL) executive committee.

The two were elected assistant secretary/treasurer and assistant registrar/statistician respectively when the league held its annual general meeting at Number 42 Police Division last Sunday.

Ramsawak replaces Bobby Ramlagan while Babulall takes the place of Ranjan Persaud, both long-standing incumbents who opt not to seek re-election. Ramlagan is, however, a member of the five-member disciplinary committee.

The other post contested on Sunday saw Terry Mathura retained unopposed as vice-president. Positions occupied by president Albert Ramcharran, secretary/Public Relations Officer Frederick Halley, treasurer Kim Sue, coordinator Vish Jadunauth and registrar/statistician Patrick Prashad were not up for grabs since all executive positions are for a two-year period.

Apart from Ramlagan, other members of the disciplinary committee are Naresh Bodo (retained), Natasha Sue (retained), Nari Khan and Rabindra Diaram. Vice-president Mathura serves as chairman.

In his presidential remarks, Ramcharran described 2018 as an eventful year for the league which faced a few challenges along the way.

According to the long-standing president, “top of the list was the dispute between the league and Rems which was taken to Small Claims Court. However, I am happy to report that the matter was settled amicably.”

Ramcharran also recalled the failed attempt to introduce the white ball the previous season and its acceptance in all formats for the 2018 season.

The president called on players to adhere to the rules of the City of Toronto since the league faces the prospect of having the cancellation of its permits.

“The City of Toronto has a zero tolerance as it relates to the consumption of alcohol on its facilities without prior approval. The league was again instructed by the authorities that violations of this policy could result in the immediate cancellation of its permits.”

Touching on international games, Ramcharran pointed out that during last year, OSCL participated in the New York Softball Cricket League (NYSCL) Independence Cup and Guyana Floodlights Softball Cricket Association’s (GFSCA) Guyana Softball Cup but failed to reach the playoffs in both tournaments.

The league also continued its benevolence to needy organisations in Guyana and according to Ramcharran he was happy to report that in 2018, cash donations were made to Prabhu Sharan Orphanage at Cornelia Ida, West Coast Demerara, Guyana.

Vice-president Terry Mathura and secretary/PRO Frederick Halley, who were in Guyana for the staging of the Prime Minister’s Softball Cup and Guyana Softball Cup did the honours for the league.

Ramcharran also took the opportunity to congratulate the winning and runner-up teams and all the other participating teams across all formats in the league.
The hard-working executives also came in for high praise. “To you, I say a big thank you for your outstanding and sterling efforts.”

“To our several sponsors, Harri Sukhu, Norman Sue Bakery, Paul and Sons, Nirad Lall and newcomer Anil Sarwan among others, we say hearty thanks and look forward to your continued support.”

Meanwhile, the OSCL 2019 season is set to get underway on Saturday, May 25, at various venues across Toronto.

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