RACE has long been an issue among the six ethnicities in our beautiful Guyana. Several attempts are being made, however, to combat this plague that has been disrupting our peace and hampering our progress.
In an interview with ‘The Buzz Magazine’, 21-year-old Azharuddin Lalljee, also called ‘L.A’, shared an experience he had which caused him to write, record and release a song called, ‘One blood’.
Lalljee said that one night while going home from the studio, he had his first brush with discrimination because of his ethnicity.
“It was about 10:30pm in the night, and the ‘park’ was crowded. We all were trying to get a bus, but no bus was coming. After a half-hour wait, a bus came, and everyone rushed to the bus. And I was the only one that was left out. So the conductor said, ‘Come in; take a squeeze; I can’t leave you alone out here.’ So I squeezed in next to a lady, and she started cussing and told the conductor, ‘You ain’t getting pay; I ain’t tell you to put no coolie bhai next to me’,” L.A recalled, adding:
“I was shocked, because all of us were standing there so long, waiting for a bus; all of us trying to reach home safe. Why we creating the division? Why are we jumping to the colour of the skin? So, by the time I got out of the bus, I had ‘One Blood’ structured in my head.”
While the song speaks about the differences in skin colour, it emphasises the fact that everyone has the same colour of blood, and we should all live in love and unity.
“We create a division among ourselves as humans, not only here, but everywhere around the world. I know everyone has their own struggles and their own hustle,” L.A. said, adding:
“Everyone wants to be somebody, and is trying to make a living, so I can’t compel you to go help someone when you are going through your own things. But what I can ask for, though, is kindness and love. If we live with kindness and love, the place would be peaceful, and so much easier for everyone to live. Even though the struggles are real, it would be easier, knowing there’s unity. That’s what ‘One Blood’ is about.”
The young artiste has been recording music since 2016 after he prticipated in the Princess Star Karaoke competition and was signed by local record label, Vizion Sounds.
He’s currently working on an album which will soon be released, and he intends to continue using his music to spread positivity.
The young artiste is most at home with R&B, Pop, Hip Hop and Soul, and is inspired by all the people around him who believe in him and motivate him to keep working.
“I just want to be a musician and put music out there with messages that people can relate to, and even help them get through the hard times of life; messages that would unite us as one people to make this world a better place,” he said.