–Is it the turnout that has you so nettled
Dear Editor
THE private media continues to be a part of the devious and yellow phalanx of Guyanese journalism so prevalent these days in its dishonest efforts to denigrate the A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) by any and all means possible.
Its latest attempt can be found in the formatted Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) daily script, the Guyana Times. Editor, its description of itself as “The Beacon of truth” is as laughable as it is dangerously self-libelous and subversive, dedicated as it is to its daily treachery of aiding its demented father of a political party, the PPP/C, in its attempt at creating an unfavourable societal plateau aimed at removing a duly elected government.
Make no mistake about this particular news rag. It has become a BEACON FOR
Its latest detritus, peddled via an effortless lie of an article of February 24, 2019, captioned,“Dead silence as minister calls on residents to applaud Govt’s performance” is yet another deliberate instance of misinformation of an occasion that is celebrated on a national scale: The country’s observance of its Republican Status.
Listening to the minister’s speech, as well as a Department of Public Information report of February 23, both of which are wholly unambiguous and quite clear in their highlights, there is no hint/indication of the honourable minister, during her address, having to solicit applause for the numerous achievements of the government on a national scale, and those that are directly linked to the socio-economic development of the Essequibo region, from the gathering that she had addressed. As a government minister, she exercised the prerogative of reminding those present of government’s achievements, in addition to efforts of the parliamentary opposition to bring its term in office to an end. Maybe, the Guyana Times was very surprised at the participation and turnout of the hundreds of Essequibo residents for the second successive year, in the Mash celebrations. Call such a willing display, one of patriotism and approval of residents, of a government that has made their region an improved and better region since 2015.
One wonders what was so amiss about Minister Ferguson’s allusion to such a national treachery, sponsored and led by an opposition, in its psychotic scramble for power. It can only be the truth that has been quite obvious for the entire nation to see, including the racist PPP/C cabal that comprises a section of the Region Two Regional Democratic Council.
Further, it is a disgrace and a grave dereliction of duty that the Regional Chairman, Devanand Ramdatt, even though a sworn political operative of the PPP/C which is his democratic right, decided to slavishly follow the mad dictates of his party boss, Bharrat Jagdeo, by absenting himself from the Republic ceremony, at which it was reported that all the other personnel had been present. His actions, apart from being an outright and unmitigated display of the backwater PPP/C’s politics, is a flagrant abdication of his office and official duties, of which his first responsibility must be to the duties and functions that are derived from his portfolio, as they pertain to the welfare of those whom he was elected to serve. He is receiving a salary and other tax-free emoluments, funded by taxpayers. This is what the Guyana Times, the beacon of national mischief must remind itself, and Ramdatt, among others.
Aditya Panday