– Billed for next weekend
THE much-loved and well-supported ‘Women in Business Expo’ is to be held next weekend at the Pegasus Hotel, with organisers and participants putting the final touches on their preparation and planning so far.

The exposition, a brainchild of popular fashion designer Sonia Noel, was launched in November 2018 and will be held this year on March 2 and 3; this time making it the fourth year since the Sonia Noel Foundation for Creative Arts (SNFCA) has been hosting the event.
Among the over 50 women, who have been participating each year, are those who are the sole breadwinners of their families– youths, single parents, and even housewives who carry on small businesses to support their families.
Melba La Gadoue, for instance, is the owner of a business called ‘Intricate Creations’ and she feels that registering for this expo has been one of her best decisions that she’d ever made. “I had the opportunity to come out of the box that I was in and develop myself and my business. This was life changing for me and I am thankful,” she told the Pepperpot Magazine recently.
‘Vanda’s Designs,’ is another business that will be participating that is owned by Vanda Allicock. She dubs herself an “Amerindian designer,” who uses seeds of the forest, paintings of exotic birds and the like in her designs.

Originally from Surama Village in the Rupununi, Vanda uses cloth to paint on. “The paintings are mostly indigenous or have something to do with the indigenous people,” she said, adding that her talent comes naturally to her.
Vanda, who is also a relatively new massage therapist, has been participating in the expo since its beginning, and this year, she said she is looking forward to the exposure and collaboration with new customers.
Maryam Haniff is all set to launch her book called ‘Silver Linings’ at the expo, which is a collection of what she described as uplifting poems.
“I would like to expose my book to the business world and raise awareness for poetry as an important art. I hope to gain insight from experienced exhibitors and I want to create a trend of hope and happiness through my book by helping people to realize that there is always a silver lining in every situation.”
A fourth woman in preparation mode is Jo-Ann Forde who is the owner of a business called ‘Innovoir’ with its tagline, “Providing healing through touch!”
While Jo-Ann is only doing massages at the moment, she is hoping to ultimately open a wellness centre that will offer relaxation services in different forms. “I am hoping to educate persons about the benefits of massage therapy, network with different people and enlarge my clientele,” she said about this year’s expo.

Meanwhile, in the months leading up to the expo, the participants are able to benefit from forums on health, business, technology, and leadership, with some of the classes teaching them confidence, dress and grooming, branding and marketing, and the importance of a healthy body.
The expo was off to a good start due to the kindness shown by Chief Executive Officer of the Pegasus Hotel, Robert Badal, who allowed for the hotel to be used for free that year.
Minister of Public Infrastructure David Patterson has also been throwing his support behind the expo, and this year, the ministry has committed to sponsoring an expo booklet, featuring all of the businesses on board.