Dear Editor,
WITH reference to the imminent general and regional elections President David Granger said, “My brothers and sisters, we have come to a critical juncture in the history of this country. It is not about David versus Irfaan, it is about the future of our children. It is about whether they can grow up in a democratic state. It is whether they can enjoy the quality of life we promised them.”
Editor, this I find to be a most profound statement of fact given our experiences of the last 26 years or so. That is, 23 under the People’s Progressive Party and 3+ under the current A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU +AFC) governments.
Beginning at the most recent juncture, I must draw attention to the achievements of the APNU+AFC government over a period of 3+ years. This government has restored a semblance of order to the Guyanese society.
It has been able to stamp out, for the greater part, execution-style killings, wanton trade in cocaine and other illicit drugs; reduced the instances of trafficking in persons and improved the statistics as they relate to the ability of the Guyana Police Force identifying, charging and successfully prosecuting the perpetrators of crimes.
In short, this government has made Guyanese feel a stronger sense of security in the short time it has been in office. A thing almost alien to Guyanese during the years of the PPP in government, especially during the years of Bharrat Jagdeo and the current leadership of the party he now has under siege. Remember the days of the phantom squad and the daily menu of drive-by shootings, movie-style abductions and executions? What about those of extrajudicial killings by members of the feared “Black Clothes” police turned enforcers for the criminal underworld.
On the economic front we have seen an economy performing for the greater part on its merit, not buoyed or propped up by the spoils of illicit cross- border drug dealings, arms trade and gold smuggling as was prevalent under the previous PPP administration. We have seen strident efforts being made to improve the lot of citizens.
Public servants have seen significant movements in their remuneration, from a minimum wage of $32,000 to $60,000 monthly. Teachers despite having to shout a little louder for government to move speedily on the matters which concerned them are now in a better place, having received their just rewards, vis a vis increased remuneration and debunching monies due to them since under the PPP administration led by Bharrat Jagdeo and those at Freedom House who now put themselves forward as towers of virtue.
Juxtapose this with the years of nothing more than 5 per cent imposed “across the board” increases, the threat to dismiss with immediate effect any worker which dares to protest the then PPP government, the employment of friends and family of the party and the wanton abuse of power by the likes of current presidential candidate of the PPP Irfaan Ali, Anil Nandlall, Bheri Ramsarran, Neaz Subhan, Kurshid Sattur . Do you remember who got the multibillion dollars contract to install Guyana’s fibre optic network form Brazil and what became of that? And what about the sole sourcing of pharmaceuticals from Bobby Ramrup’s New GPC? These are just a few examples. Editor, I am sure the nation remembers and can attest to much more of the PPP’s economic apartheid in this dear land of Guyana.
In the interest of space and time, I hastened to examine briefly the PPP’s record on law and order. Editor, there’s an old adage which says, “show me your company I’ll tell you who you are.” Therefore, one does not have to look too far to see what the PPP is, an organisation which thrives on lawlessness and embraces criminality as its pillars of strength. Remember the endorse of the establishment of a Phantom squad by no other than the then Home Affairs Minister under the PPP government, Ronald Gajraj and the part played by then Minister of Health, Leslie Ramsammy, in the acquisition of sensitive surveillance equipment to aid Roger Khan in tracking and eliminating his rivals in the underworld from which the PPP benefited tremendously. Oh! And then there was the shooting of Donna McKinnon from the premises of Freedom House.
Editor, let us not be quick to forget that some of the worst abuse of citizens rights took place under the watchful eyes of Bharrat Jagdeo and his comrades of the PPP. These atrocities ranged from the torture of a 14-year-old boy and setting his genitals afire to the disappearance of British citizen Franz Britton, aka Collie Wills by the feared Black Clothes Police. Remember the murder of Fraser as the turf war heated up? And what about the assassination of Minister of Agriculture ‘Sash’ Sawh after his refusal to sign off on a government of Guyana – Roger Khan deal for Kaow Island?
In closing, I reiterate President Granger’s lament, “these elections are about the future of our children.” They will decide if our young ones get to grow up to enjoy the benefits of our soon to be booming oil economy or die full of dreams and possibilities like Yohance Douglas and the many others who have suffered at the murderous hands of the PPP and Jagdeo’s cabal.
Earl Hamilton