TIME and time again we have heard the saying “hair is a woman’s beauty”. Enough times to have tainted the minds of many, to have the perception that the longer the hair, the prettier the girl.
But this week’s personality has made a step to reconstruct the way society views women with short hair.
Twenty-three year old Joyann Junor took a leap and created an instagram account named “Short Hair Don’t Care” to empower women with short hair or no hair at all.
Joyann said this venture was inspired by her life journey.
“Growing up I was made to believe that hair is a woman’s beauty and if it isn’t long and straight or thick and curly you wouldn’t fit in… At the age of 18 I was diagnosed with depression. Some days when I looked in the mirror I felt displeased or worthless. My hair was the only thing everyone loved about me and it was one of the things that was holding me back,” she said.
Finding herself living in an iron box mentally and emotionally, Joyann said she felt like cutting her hair off.
“When I told my family and friends I wanted to cut my hair off, the feedback was horrendous. It was as if having short hair was a bit taboo… After I cut my hair off and went completely bald, the thought came to me ‘maybe I should create a page to support and encourage girls who want to undergo this process/journey but do not have the needed support’, in hope to accomplish change,” the young woman said.
She explained that through the pictures posted on Instagram, the women share their stories along with the pictures. Some of the stories are quite emotional since some of the women are bald due to illnesses such as cancer.
“Since I’ve started, the feedback has been overwhelming. The page has brought girls together from across the world. Each individual story told has helped to motivate, encourage and buildup some girl, especially those battling with various forms of cancers and low self-esteem. Girls would message on a daily basis saying the stories inspired and give them the courage they needed to go ahead and do a big chop. Also asking for advice on what kind of haircut would be suitable for them… The page has created a gateway for girls with short hair to help them escape self-hate and to buildup self-love and confidence,” Joyann said.
She shared that she has intentions expanding her activism to bring about this social change. “Currently I’m working on projects that promote self-awareness. I did one a few months back called ‘Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow’. I also plan on doing live interviews with girls who have short hair and try to expand my page on a social level,” she unveiled.
When asked what message she would like to leave with young women, Joyann said, “To the females out there who lost their hair in the battle against cancer or who cut their hair off by choice and feel inadequate, you are beautiful regardless. Your hair shouldn’t and doesn’t define you as an individual. Having short hair or no hair at all just brings out the better version of yourself, see it as a new beginning to learn how to love yourself unconditionally… Look in the mirror and love what you see.”