Dear Editor,
HAVING read the Trotman’s email it is revealing that the AFC is keen to resolve the Amerindian land issue, but no mention of Ancestral lands of villages bought by our forefathers that were illegally taken from them by the Colonial planters with the support of the Colonial Gov’t. of the day.
After 50 years of Independence, no Government had seen it fit to correct those injustices until now, where the present administration set up a Land Commission of Inquiry (CoI), in order to resolve this historic injustice committed against our people.
That report of the Land Commission is patiently awaited. We expect nothing less than full acknowledgement and redress for the immoral and illegal act perpetrated against a defenceless people. It is rather ironic that because of the aforementioned act, those lands are now regarded as State lands, and are under the management of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo).
The time has come to bring a closure to this buried history; we owe it to our ancestors and our research team would not rest until justice is finally done.
Trent Daniels
(Mocha- Arcadia Research Committee)