Dear Sir,
THE biggest Con was perpetrated against the Coalition Government on Friday 21/12/2018 in the National Assembly. It was a bigger con than “The Sting” with Robert Redford and Paul Newman. Even bigger than John Le Carre;”Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy” as he ferreted out the mole in M.I.6. Unfortunately, however, this mole embedded himself right in the bosom of the Coalition, eating and drinking, slapping high fives, and showing off family pictures. Unfortunately, however, they failed to identify him.
They should have though. There were a number of tell-tale signs that should have pulled their coats to the suspicion that skulduggery was expected. When the PPP/C Chief Whip wrote to [Police] Commissioner James ” voicing concern at what she said were likely threats to public safety and security and our information points to some very ominous plans to physically disrupt the sitting; further, that these plans include preventing Members of the Parliamentary Opposition from exiting the compound..” That request should have rung a very large bell within the coalition. When they were the opposition and had tried to bring a no-confidence vote against the PPP government, no such request was made. The PPP, on the other hand, knew that they had a mole in the hole, but they were apprehensive of the outcome. They knew that dethroning of a popular government would possibly create some type of disturbance. Therefore, with the mole’s escape already planned, they were not leaving anything to chance.
The coalition was also put on notice by Mr Rickford Burke, who according to him, wrote four leaders in the coalition and provided information that something like this was possible. But the coalition failed to act. Without a cursory investigation, the Ministry of Social Cohesion debunked Burke’s concern. Now they have eggs all over their faces. I doubt that anyone in that ministry can be trusted?
The mole said that he “voted his conscience, that the lives of the sugar workers in Berbice were being destroyed.” I presume that this conscience of the downtrodden, who lives in the wonderland of kit and kin, was oblivious to who was responsible for the downward spiral of the sugar industry in the first place. He would know nothing of Jagan “apan jatt” election victory. He definitely would have no idea that Jagan disembowelled the Public Service as soon as he took office. He probably was not around when the Bauxite workers were put on the breadline and their severance confiscated. Maybe he is even oblivious to the eight thousand, three hundred and ninety-five days of misrule by the PPP where they had the audacity to foist an uneducated person in charge of the Foreign Service Ministry, showing their contempt for the Guyanese people. But now like Rip Van Winkle, his slumber disturbed by the crying and wailing of his disenfranchised kit and kin in the sugar industry, he thought it imperative that he play a part.
He, like the scribes and writers mostly (Trojan Horses, and opposition) who get continuous ink in the dailies, [is gleeful] at this outcome. Their headlines reek of ‘I told you so’. One scribe alluded to the “Chronicle Scandal” which in itself should and could have been the catalyst for the removal of the Coalition, because these Guyanese stalwarts (don’t make me laugh) were deprived from writing their stuff in the Guyana Chronicle. Maybe one day this scribe, who obviously is a stalwart himself, will tell us what these stalwarts have done for this country. These stalwarts like to write and they don’t even have a magazine of their own, forget a newspaper.
Where is the day care centre with their name written on it or the club house, or the playfield that they [had] renovated and donated to underprivileged children? How many bursary awards have they ever given out. The collective job of the stalwarts is to criticize, over and over again, and this democratic government allowed them the privilege. Who could forget how one of them had to run out of his house, jump over drains and through bushes to escape the ‘phantom killers’. Let me remind them, the return of the PPP is the return of the phantom killers; stalwarts indeed.
The Goddess of truth points out that there are TWO paths of KNOWLEDGE: one leading to a knowledge of TRUTH, and the other to a knowledge of the OPINION of MEN. The honorable Dr Eric Williams, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, in 1963, speaking in Arima about running the government “You think it easy, it ain’t easy.”
Milton Bruce