–says PNC Region 10 of Charrandas’s betrayal
THE Region 10 Committee of the People’s National Congress (PNC) believes that former Alliance for Change (AFC) Member of Parliament (MP) Charrandas Persaud is no “hero of democracy” as he is being hailed in some quarters.
Rather, they believe that his betrayal of the Coalition was “pre-meditated and fully orchestrated” by the Opposition.
In a statement to the media on Monday, the Committee further called on its supporters across the (Upper Demerara-Berbice) region to defend their right to the good life as promised by the coalition government.
Said the group in their statement: “We have noted the desperate attempts by Mr. Persaud to portray himself as a hero of democracy for having exercised his ‘conscience for the first time’ since taking up his seat in the National Assembly, notwithstanding his own indications that he disapproved of several issues which came up for a vote in the House over the past three years but voted ‘Yes’ each time.
“It is incredulous that Mr. Persaud would attempt to have us believe that his vote of betrayal, resulting in the fall of the coalition government during last Friday’s sitting, was as a result of a sudden awakening of his conscience.
“We believe that his actions were pre-meditated and fully orchestrated as part of the ruthless machinations of the PPP/C, in their desperation to regain political power at all cost, ahead of first-oil for Guyana, and their insatiable appetite to steal and squander our country’s resources, while denying hardworking Guyanese the good life we all deserve.”
Having gotten that off their chest, the group is now urging PNC supporters to re-examine the intentions and achievements of the Coalition since entering office, as well as the President’s long-term vision for the country.
“Examine the interventions by the Coalition Government since taking office,” they say, “and recognise the merits of our collective vision to rebuild and transform the public infrastructure across the length and breadth of the country; the significant adjustments in the living wages of our public service and pensions for our seniors; the bold attempts to safeguard our sovereignty and territorial integrity and our new-found oil wealth; our radical overhaul of institutional approaches to equity and wealth distribution for all Guyanese and; our visionary approach to sustainable development in the context of the national Green State Development Strategy (GSDS) under the leadership of our beloved President David Granger.”
With this in mind, citizens were urged to make full use of the “crucial” months ahead leading up to the elections by rallying around their party straight way into the elections.
Back in the 2015 general elections, there was a 68.4 per cent voter turnout in the region, with 16,791 voting solidly for the Coalition, and 2,785 for the People’s Progressive Party (PPP).