…sign investment cooperation and facilitation agreement
GUYANA’S Ambassador to Brazil, George Talbot, and Foreign Minister of Brazil, Aloysio Nunes Ferreira, on Thursday signed a Cooperation and Facilitation of Investment Agreement (CFIA) in a brief ceremony at the Itamaraty Palace in Brasilia, home of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The agreement marks a further deepening of relations between the two countries, opening the door to closer economic ties. It provides a framework for cooperation and support to investors from both countries.

Along with other agreements already in place, including the International Road Transport Agreement for the movement of passengers and goods between Guyana and Brazil, the Partial Scope Agreement on trade and with ongoing cooperation regarding the Linden-Lethem road, the CFIA contributes to the further consolidation of the framework of bilateral relations and to the fostering of business-to-business ties.
During the ceremony, Ambassador Talbot reiterated Guyana’s appreciation for the excellent relations enjoyed with Brazil and expressed recognition of the important contribution of Foreign Minister Nunes in that regard. This year marks the 50th anniversary of Guyana and Brazil relations. Foreign Minister Nunes visited Georgetown on July 12, 2018.