‘Clash of the Female Titans’ on today at GAPLF’s National Seniors Championships
Runita White will be going all out today at the GAPLF’s National Seniors 2018.
Runita White will be going all out today at the GAPLF’s National Seniors 2018.

THE eagerly-anticipated ‘Clash of the Female Titans’, Runita White versus Natoya Robinson, will finally kick off today at the Guyana Amateur Powerlifting Federation’s (GAPLF) National Seniors 2018 at the auditorium of the St Stanislaus College on Brickdam.

The feature event pits Natoya Robinson against record-breaker Runita White; both athletes lift well over 900lb and will be looking to outdo the other. This contest will certainly make for a thrilling spectacle for the fans and enthusiasts.

White has a best squat of 363.7lb while Robinson has recorded 364.8lb in the bench press. Robinson leads with 203.9lb and White’s best press is 148.8lb.
In the deadlift arena White has a best lift of 429.9lb while Robinson’s is 431lb. Their respective totals are 942.4lb (White) and 999.7lb (Robinson).
The competition will also feature Guyana’s oldest active bodybuilder, 70-year-old Noel Cummings as he aims to better his performance of May this year.

Also competing in the competition are Vijai ‘Ants Man’ Rahim, 2018 Novices Overall Champion Timothy Baglia, sisters Grace and Blossom Babb, 2018 NAPF Overall Champion Carlos Petterson-Griffith, Junior 93kg sensation Bishen Sasenarine, Jackie Tony, Christopher Sookdeo and Hardat Darson.

Tickets cost $1000, and can be purchased directly from GAPLF executive members, or from Buddy’s Gym. The entrance fee at the gate will be $1500. Breakfast will be on sale
Participating athletes for ‘Flight A’ are required to be at the venue for 08:00hrs for the weigh-in, which will last for 90 minutes. Athletes competing in ‘Flight B’ will be weighed in from 11:30hrs.

The Seniors Championship. which is the flagship event of the GAPLF calendar year, is being sponsored by Fitness Express, Buddy’s Gym, Trophy Stall, Dyna’s Embroidery and SannsSports ESN.

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