A FEW days ago I decided to have a date with me. I did it before but not in a while and it felt so GOOD.
Pegasus was my choice and I absolutely enjoyed it. I was in the mood to have some alone time and some reflection in the process with good food and great wine. I opted for flip-flops and resort kind of attire with my hat and sunglasses. Millionaire Success Habits by Dean Graziosi was part of the package for my alone time.
I was so intentional about forgetting the world for a few hours and just have a time for reflection. The rain came pouring down and even that did not stop me because my mind was so made up to have a blast.
I knew I had to recharge because I had the launch of Women in Business Expo 2019 and the last two personal development classes to teach. I can only serve well from my overflow and I am committed to giving my best. This year was amazing but not without challenges and now there are only 36 days left.
My mind drifted to many things and the recently celebrated International Men’s Day was one of them. Not many were talking about it because even men did not know about it. International Men’s Day (IMD) is an annual international event celebrated every year on November 19. It was inaugurated in 1992 on February 7 by Thomas Oaster.
I dedicated last Sunday’s Living With Intention Radio Show to discuss the importance of positive male role models in our society. We had some interesting discussions with Gospel Singer Saiku Andrews and we discussed my new anthology Men Across Borders. We also had meaningful contributions from Jamaal Abdul-Ali, Russel Lancaster, Diego Alphonso and Neil Life Changer McPhoy .
“Ever since I wrote the anthology Women Across Borders I started working on Men Across Borders because I believe men need more forums to tell their stories and to challenges. I discussed artwork and cover concept with Compton Babb and Shiv Dindyal and a wonderful cover was created.
It was appropriate to launch the cover on this day that celebrated men.
I am sharing the synopsis with you:
Men Across Borders is a compilation of compelling stories told by a diverse cross-section of men from across many borders curated by me.
These stories reveal unique truths as testified by men who have confronted peculiar realities which resulted in life-altering choices.
Men Across Borders is a multi-layered account of men’s experiences which, at first glance, are different, but on closer observation bespeak similar commentaries of the human condition. We are all faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles which, when approached with empathy and humanity, can be overcome.
These stories signify that gender does not define our life. Men face challenges which are not masculine but human. At this juncture, on the observance of International Men’s Day, it is more than opportune that Men Across Borders be launched to render gender balance to our collective existence.
Men Across Borders explores real-life journeys of men who chose to expose their sensibilities, all in an effort to promote true gender equality, to enhance gender relations and to bring attention to male role models. The book becomes an avenue to showcase prejudices against males and to commemorate their contributions to their social milieu, all in all, their testimonies would foster the distinctive worth of humanitarian interaction. “
I am very excited about this project and thrilled that The Foreword will be written by Dr. Nigel Gravesande who is someone I admire. We really need to have more discussions on the importance of positive male role models in society because the lack of it is damaging.
Thinking about it reminded me of the Frederick Douglass quote: “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”
Male or female we have to continue to contribute in a positive way to our communities.
Send us an email to beyondtherunway1@gmail.com and check out our FB page as we continue to celebrate this beautiful journey called life BEYOND THE RUNWAY.