PRIME Minister Moses Nagamootoo has praised the work of the Salvation Army of Guyana during its seventh fund raising dinner held at the Georgetown Club, Camp Street, Georgetown, on Saturday evening.
Nagamootoo, in bringing greetings and well wishes from His Excellency President David Granger, said that the President had asked him to assure the leadership of the Salvation Army of the continued support for the movement. President Granger, the patron of the Salvation Army in Guyana, was unable to attend the event.
“I would like to compliment the organisers of this event; I was here last year as well and I noted that this is the only army in the world that has never fought a war – the Salvation Army. It is here to bring you salvation; here to open up avenues for people’s creative endeavours; to be able to help those in need and to lift those who [are] in want.”
Sharing a recent experience he had in India, he said, “Perhaps there are many people contemplating or have attempted suicide, or even committed suicide, but if they have assistance like what is being offered at the Salvation Army to help them to lock the temptations of the world out, they would not lock their own lives away from the world.”
Nagamootoo stated that there is therefore need for organisations such as the Salvation Army to help give spiritual guidance, since it is not about countering the mind, but about organising the mind with love.
He added that this is the element that governments do not do properly; so that is why they get together with organisations such as the Salvation Army to be able to deal with the vulnerable in the society.
“Today, as the world is embroiled in conflicts and confrontations, we need many more armies like the Salvation Army to make peace; to be able to resolve the differences in a way that can promote social cohesion. For it is possible that we all can learn from each other; to live with each other and share what we have with each other,” Nagamootoo told the gathering.
“And so I want to sincerely compliment the Salvation Army for staying with us. This is an organisation that has not been here overnight, it is an international move – starting perhaps more than 150 years ago; and because it has been there so long, it is a testimony that it has been doing some good things… changing the life of one person at a time… and we can all keep those we love around us living longer; not throwing them out on the streets; not abandoning them to diseases, alcohol, drugs if we care for them; and that is the role the Salvation Army has assigned itself,” Nagamootoo concluded.
Mark Butts, one of the many men who have benefited from the Men’s Social Centre,
testified of the benefits he received from being a part of the centre in his time of need. He said that he was extremely grateful for what the Salvation Army has done for him so far.
“When I started experimenting with drugs, I hadn’t the slightest idea what I was getting myself into. Ladies and gentlemen, that was a great hell hole that I would wish on no one. I am grateful to God for designing a programme for the Salvation Army and I am grateful for what the government is doing for the Salvation Army to help people like me… I am now linked with my family again because of this wonderful programme; and I have a job that the first time I can actually be punctual on,” Butts shared with the gathering.
Meanwhile, Mr. Edward Boyer, Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Salvation Army also conveyed a message of gratitude to the government for the sustained assistance they have been giving to the organisation.
He noted that the Salvation Army’s rehabilitation centre is the only such centre in Guyana that provides 24-hour care for those who are most in need of it. He declared it a success story, even though there is a limit to the number of persons that can be accommodated at any one time. He said that there is however hope for expansion of the facilities in the future.
“While it is sad that drug [addiction] and alcoholism continue to plague the society, the Salvation Army is determined to do its best to give people afflicted by these problems a second chance in life. We will dedicate our energies and work diligently with all concerned to reduce the number of persons by drugs and alcohol,” he stated.
Ambassador Jean Ricot Domeus of the Organization of American States also complimented the government of Guyana for the assistance they continue to offer the Salvation Army for the work they to do in Guyana and spoke words of encouragement to the organisation to keep up the good work they are doing.