THE Guyana Police Force (GPF) in collaboration with the Guyana Road Safety Council, launched its first Inter-Secondary School debating competition last Friday, under the theme “Stop accident before it stops you, be alert accident hurts.”
The competition will see 16 schools from Regions Four Five, Six and 10 vying for the top spots of Best Debater, Best Researcher and the Best Debating School, the police said in a release. The competition will be done in four rounds, with the semi- finals and finals to be concluded during the National Road Safety Week which will be observed from November 25 to December 1, 2018.
The moot for the competition will deal with traffic issues.
Delivering the feature address was Senior Superintendent Errol Watts, who reminded of the importance of road safety, especially among school children, who as pedestrians, are among the most vulnerable group of road users. He commended the traffic department and its stake holders for the initiative, which seeks to bring about awareness on a wider scale, and which will in turn create a more positive approach by road users. The competition will be televised countrywide with the kind compliments of its sponsors; Hand in Hand Trust Corporation, Mr. Hack of People’s Beauty Product and Mr. James Samuels Jr.