Dear Editor,
IT has become obnoxious for one to read the daily news and see hypocritical, superficial and ludicrous utterances coming from the Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo, who recently claimed at a PPP public meeting that the LGEs are the start of a movement to take back Guyana. As a former President who proved his disdain for local governance before, during and after his time in government, he continues to expose his true entitlement demeanour as a spoilt individual who believes Guyana is his own.
The thought of local empowerment was treated like a treasonous act under his presidency as he tyrannised and micro-managed (for personal/political gain) every tier of Guyana’s governance system. Furthermore, every town or region and I might add friends and party comrades who were not in favour of his dictatorship had to suffer socially, economically and emotionally as he used every strata of the government system to ensure his opponents were punished. He does not believe in democracy, he does not believe anyone else should have a differing thought from his; just ask his former senior party comrades Ramkarran, Nagamootoo and others.
His overtures in recent times as the saviour and answer for Guyana’s democracy is such a farce for millennials and Guyanese as a whole, as we are all aware of his sinister exploits which he hides under the umbrella of presidential immunity.
Jagdeo reportedly told the gathering at the meeting that they need(ed) to understand the importance of the elections when he himself avoided such elections during his tenure. He claimed “Guyanese” are fed up with the coalition government when the fact is, Guyanese are enjoying a better and honest livelihood, improved public infrastructure and service, safer neighbourhoods, inclusive governance and a better international rating which has led to many countries waiving visa requirements for Guyanese. It is so obvious that during his time, Guyanese from all walks of life planned their exit strategy and headed for the passport office and airports, while presently Guyanese at home and abroad are planning their involvement in local development and for many, a return to their land of birth. How can Jagdeo call Guyana’s present governance a disaster, when almost daily Guyana made international headlines for mass murders, corruption and other societal ills which placed Guyana as one of the worst places to live in under his leadership? Even diplomats, Linden, Buxton and every afro-dominant community were under siege, while a selected questionable few were being enriched and a notorious drug lord and “phantomism” became institutionalized. Today there is an actual fight against drugs and crime, a trajectory of a good life for all and every community is seeing development irrespective of race, religion, or creed.
Besides, isn’t it very obvious that Jagdeo’s rush and crave for power is as a result of Oil and the benefits to be had? Does he really think Guyanese will forget his draconian rule and atrocities?
Think not too far back, as every attempt by the Coalition government to strengthen local democracy did not find favour with him. He reportedly instructed mayors, councillors and regional representatives not to attend or participate in events organized to empower municipalities and further decentralize governance because he believes in a dictatorship which strives on top down management. Even while President Ramotar ruled he imposed himself as the defacto leader, now he is trying to hold on to power in the PPP after the courts ruled he cannot run again for president.
Not because he has presidential immunity it means he is a saint. Not because the coalition government has not showed the testicular fortitude as yet in bringing charges against him he is invincible. He is still seen by many at home and internationally in the same league as Mohamed Suharto, Ferdinand Marcos, Arnold Oleman and many others along that line.
What Guyana is he taking back? Is Guyana his possession? Or is there a pun intended in his statement and he plans to take Guyana ‘back’. Back to the time when the dark ruled?
Carwyn Holland
Former Mayor
President of GAM