Linden mayor stands against sexual abuse 

Dear Editor,

ON my return from the United States of America, I was greeted with an issue of abuse. This is troubling, but I have full confidence in the ability of our law- enforcement officials to bring a swift and justifiable end.

As your mayor I stand firmly against any such actions in our community, but realise that while these videos are surfacing sporadically, we have a bigger problem of underlying issues that must be stifled out of our community and it can only be done by identifying and eliminating the causes.

The effects of unemployment, poverty, single-parent households and lack of scholarships for our students continue to play a significant role in these issues.
This is why the mayor and councillors continue to work with local, national and international organisations and the diaspora to bring to the citizens of Linden a brighter future.

I attended the Second Planning Conference for New Horizons, where a women’s Home and Community Centres will be built in the township. The community centres will be designed to accommodate youths in their community, be it for capacity-building, for education or for social interaction. A computer centre will be part of the area, allowing out-of-school youths to also be able to further their studies.
The women’s home will be able to assist women and children who have no means of supporting themselves, to have a place to stay, be trained in a skill and be reintegrated into the community.

Twinning of the city of Newark with the town of Linden, will bring much-needed expansion in the agriculture industry. It will also create a link with Sistercity International, which is an organisation of cities all across the globe that allows small towns to interact with larger and more advanced cities to garner knowledge for development in areas that are needed. This relationship will open the door for investment, creation of jobs and exports and improvement of infrastructure.

Twinning with the city of Stonecrest in Georgia has already started to yield fruit, as we have been guided with the help of the municipality to access courses online. Scholarships and training in entrepreneurship, linking of Guyanese businessmen and women in the diaspora with local businesses in Linden for export. Sponsorship to work with children in the schools and a group of passionate Guyanese willing to lend their support to the township of Linden in various areas of expertise.

But we cannot do this alone. We need to work with each other, the school, social welfare, child protection, chambers of commerce and the Regional Democratic Council.
But moreso, we need you our citizens to become vigilant, be our brother’s keepers. The office of the mayor is open if you have any information relating to any sort of activity. If you notice any act; make contact with us or the Child Protection Agency.  Let us help you save a life.


Waneka Arrindel
Mayor, Linden

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