– confess to murdering Annandale pensioner
TWO juveniles from Buxton were picked up on Friday and taken into police custody as part of the ongoing investigations into the death of 72-year-old Krishnachand Dabee.
Dabee was found dead in his yard on August 27 at Annandale, East Coast Demerara by his daughter when she went to check on him after not hearing from him. The man was found with a wound in the head.
The youngsters have since confessed to the crime, and according to sources in police circles, they claim they went to the man’s house to sack it, but did not expect him to be at home. In the ensuing scuffle, they said, the man was dealt a fatal blow.
This was reportedly consistent with what the police found when they went to the pensioner’s home, as there were signs that it was burgled.
According to a police source, when the first young man was picked up, he admitted to having knowledge of the crime, and reportedly told detectives that it was not he who dealt the fatal blow, but his accomplice. After some interrogation, both of them reportedly confessed to the crime, and it was recorded.