A BATCH of 84 persons graduated from the Industrial Skills Training and Enhancement Programme (IN-STEP) on Wednesday, after completing training in a range of technical areas.
The areas are: basic welding and fabrication, electrical installation, motor vehicle servicing and minor repairs and refrigeration. The programme was a collaborative effort between the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Board of Industrial Training and targeted retrenched sugar workers and members of the communities.

Present at the graduation ceremony were Minister of Natural Resources
Raphael Trotman, Minister of Education, Nicolette Henry and Chairman of the
Board of Industrial Training, Clinton Williams. While delivering remarks, Minister Henry urged the graduates to maximise the advantage of the training since it will allow them to participate in thriving economic sectors. “Where workforce is increasingly automated and computerised, it is imperative we utilise all our experience and manpower to keep up with the world. We must re-train our experienced workers to meet the needs of 21st century industries that are emerging right here in Guyana, this is imperative to the sustainability of our nation’s development. This additional training will allow you to participate directly in that development. You are now ready to embark on employment in this region and that will support indirect services of petroleum, mining, agriculture and other economic sectors.”
The minister added that while her ministry advocates for a good education for every Guyanese, there must be continuous improvement in the delivery so that everyone can benefit equally, especially after the formal school setting. “Many times, people associate learning with formal education in the school system. While that is important, education is much more than that. Lifelong learners are motivated to learn and develop because they want to; it is a deliberate and involuntary act. Learning can enhance all understanding of the world around us as it provides us with more and better opportunities to build a quality of life.”
Speaking on behalf of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Mariscia Charles echoed similar sentiments as expressed by Minster Henry about the opportunities not only in the emerging petroleum sector but across all other sectors. “While this is the end of the programme, it is the beginning of a new chapter of your lives. Take this programme as a stepping stone to propel you to greater things, let this programme catapult your duties
of public service to the development of Guyana; your social responsibilities of being active participants in the change process.

You are building a pathway of increased growth through reintegration into the job market and greater investments into your personal [lives] by furthering your studies.” The training started in June this year with 98 participants however, 84 completed the 120 contact hours required for the successful completion of the courses which were held on weekends. The course material which was mainly hands-on, saw several projects being undertaken and completed by participants such as the fabrication of a monkey bar and ring climber at the Esplanade Park in New Amsterdam, fabrication and installation of a steel door for the instrument workshop of GuySuCo as well as the servicing of the breaking and suspension systems of several vehicles and the servicing of air conditioning units for GuySuCo. Of the 84 graduates, 39 passed with distinction, 25 with credit while 20 passed.
Manager of GuySuCo Training Centre, Jainarine Sookpaul said the figures are testament to the quality of lecturers at the GTC and called on other ministries to collaborate and utilise the training centre for other sectors. He also urged the graduates to elevate themselves further to become specialists in their respective fields by moving on to higher levels. He noted that with the training completed, the lecturers have already liaised with the business sector in the Region to provide possible employment for them.