Dear Editor,
MOST citizens would agree that Guyana is disproportionately underdeveloped, given our vast and diverse resources. Many may also agree that a major factor in the failure to optimally use our assets is – in large part – the result of our society’s divisions based on “race;” divisions which coincide with, and are reinforced by political fault-lines. The socio-political result of this is the elevation of persons with flawed characters and motivations to positions of power, because leaders are often chosen by citizens based on their race, instead of on merit.
If that is correct, then, it is not logical to assume that utilisation of oil revenues would translate to development if the pre-existing fractures are not adequately addressed in a timely manner. Editor, I have deliberately used quotation marks in reference to “race” to emphasise that the construct is an artificial one; the concept of race has absolutely no basis in fact, and no objective existence outside of the minds of persons imprisoned by racism.
Editor, the prison of racism imposes an artificial, self-created limitation on one’s ability to make informed decisions. Racism or racial prejudice is defined as, ‘the [irrational] belief that each race possesses specific characteristics, abilities, or qualities that distinguish it as inferior or superior to another one (Encyclopaedia Britannica).’ And antagonism or action based on that belief is racial discrimination.
The concept of race (in the English Language) was first concretised in the mid-19th century with the objective of dehumanising Africans, Indians, and other persons, in order to rationalise and legitimise the practices of slavery, indentureship, colonisation, and exploitation by European masters.
As it relates to Guyana – both historically and perhaps currently – Guyana’s Indigenous peoples, East Indians, Africans, Chinese and other populations were all considered inferior to Europeans during that hellish, dark era. We were all victims of racism. Is it not interesting, ironic, and hypocritically illogical, for us now to commit the same sin by discriminating against each other, thereby depriving ourselves of the unity necessary for our own progress and development? And make no mistake, without national unity we the people will be too weak and fragmented to hold our elected representatives accountable.
Fortunately, the truth was revealed. By the early 20th century, intellectuals and scientists such as anthropologist Franz Boaz concluded – based on studies of human blood types among others – that such a thing as race has no objective reality; it has no basis in biology. Instead, it is a fictional form of identity, a fabrication, a made-up thing that some in the political and intellectual classes pulled out of thin air in an evil attempt to justify their own selfish, greedy, self-serving, barbaric interests. Simply put: race is not real; it does not exist. We now know this to be true, based on recent studies of the human genome.
Editor, we must never forget that the evil fiction of different races was invented as a cover for the exploitation of man by man. And we must never forget that, that evil lie has resulted in wars, unimaginable suffering, and genocide. The Holocaust comes to mind, among other uncountable crimes against humanity.
In summary, those who make decisions – including choosing leaders – based on the false idea of race, are practising racial discrimination. Those decisions are necessarily flawed, because they are based on a lie. In other words, persons who are self-imprisoned by racial prejudice are incapable of choosing leaders who will work in the interest of the people, the communities, the regions, and the country, because racial-prisoners cannot see beyond the colour of a candidate’s skin or the texture of an office-seeker’s hair. Racial-prisoners cannot hear the message because of the irrational dislike or fear of the messenger. Prisoners of prejudice will ignore evidence of a candidate’s corrupt dealings, history of domestic abuse, tendency to commit violent acts, lack of basic communication skills, record of greed, or propensity to lie and steal, just because the candidate has a certain type of hair. Editor, it would be funny if it were not so terribly and horribly true.
Editor, if we accept that development is dependent on citizens making decisions based on
facts, logic, and rational thought; if we believe that unity is a prerequisite to progress, then, we must conclude that unless citizens choose to abandon the practice of racially influenced decision-making, and free themselves from the prison of prejudice, no amount of pristine forests, beautiful flora and fauna, majestic waterfalls, bauxite, gold, silver, manganese, rice, sugar, or oil can save us from impoverishment, underdevelopment, and international contempt. And no amount of money will be sufficient to save us from our own foolishness.
Mark DaCosta