KFC brings family fun with new eating competition
Champion eater Jarrel Leander
Champion eater Jarrel Leander

SEEKING to promote family activities and add a bit of fun in the mix, the local Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) franchise has begun a ‘chicken eating’ competition where Guyanese can compete to finish a 15-piece bucket of chicken in 15 minutes.

The competition began on Saturday at KFC’s Regent Street location where four persons raced to eat the fast food. In the end, Jarrel Leander from Kingston emerged the winner after eating 10 of the 15 pieces. Next in line was Ayesha Khan who managed to clear six pieces.

According to Leander, the competition was “just a walk in the park” for him and he mentioned he would have probably been able to eat more had he not been feeling a bit under the weather.

The competition in full swing with Jarrel Leander showing his confidence that he is the champion eater

Marketing Manager Livasti Bhooplall explaining the competition to the Guyana Chronicle said, “I tried to do something different for KFC… something that was fun and interactive, but for the family.”

She highlighted that the KFC bucket is more of a family meal and it provided leeway for a family competition.

Participants entered the competition by posting a photo of themselves or with others and a bucket of chicken on Facebook and the photos with the most reactions won persons a chance to participate in the competition.

The competition continues this week where another batch of participants will be selected and the winner of that round will face Leander in the finals, for the grand prize of a year’s supply of KFC.


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