THE Guyana National Broadcasting Authority (GNBA), through its Monitoring and Compliance Department, recorded a record-breaking reduction in broadcast infractions, for the months of April and May.
The GNBA in a release took the opportunity to acknowledge and congratulate broadcasters for their cooperation and adherence to the broadcasting Laws and Guidelines for broadcasters.
The body said its efforts have yielded a significant reduction in infractions for the month of April and a further reduction in May.
It noted that 15 infractions were observed in April and a record breaking total of seven infractions were observed in May, compared to an amount, in excess of 35 infractions, monthly.
“Importantly, this reduction is occasioned by the authority’s consistent efforts towards educating and advising broadcasters of the best practices in broadcasting, according to the laws that govern the broadcasting sector, and the legal ramifications of misconduct. More specifically, over the past four months, these efforts included the issuance of letters to broadcasters, monthly press releases and one-on-one meetings with broadcasters to discuss their general conduct on air,” the GNBA said.
The body also reiterated the need for broadcasters’ continued vigilance and compliance with the Guidelines for Broadcasters and the previous press releases issued, with respect to the avoidance of vulgarity in broadcast content, the placement of advisories and disclaimers before and after programmes as required, the avoidance of serious breaches (red-lined infractions), among others.
All such releases are accessible on the Authority’s website (
The GNBA is hoping for a further reduction in broadcasting infractions and ongoing cooperation and collaboration as it strives to achieve the highest standards of broadcasting in Guyana.