Dear Editor,
WHO or what is instrumental in making these dishonest and inept contractors get contracts in which they fleece the peoples’ treasury by providing substandard quality and unsafe work?
Guyana has experienced and endured these sorry and definitely unacceptable occurrences, under any circumstances whatsoever, for too long. Guyana has suffered this affront to the common good and to the people of Guyana for the past 23 years, prior to 2015 and VOTED
Yes, the system has been historically set up to sustain this conduct and happening. Particular friends and families were empowered financially to always win these contracts at the expense of others. This present government has to do something drastic to bring it to an end, and provide other contractors the opportunity to fairly compete and win contracts. There is an imbalance in this area and it was purposely set up that way in order to discriminate against particular people. The talk of witch hunting is a political ploy, it should be ignored and corrective action taken to cure this scourge on the nation.
We are experiencing many positive changes in many areas under the APNU/AFC Government, but there MUST BE A CHANGE in choosing contractors who have a history of unsatisfactory work. It is giving the government a bad name and rightly so too in this regard. It is time and high time that contractors are held accountable and stop holding the Guyanese public hostage, while being paid exorbitant prices to do so. Yes, it is time and high time that the APNU/AFC GOVERNMENT BRING this ‘IN YUH FACE HUSSLE’ to an expeditious end.
Thomas Saunders