WHENEVER Region Two is experiencing power outages, the Suddie Public Hospital usually experience difficulties accessing reliable power supply and often times would have a total shut down.
This issue will now be solved as the hospital acquired a new generator on Wednesday.
The new 2000-amp Automatic Transfer Switch and 750 Kva Caterpillar generator was procured at a cost of $25,000,000. It is being installed by Balgobin’s Contracting Service.
Prior to the acquisition, the hospital used to rent a generator from Macrop.
Region Two Information Officer, Mark Mc Lean said the generator will save the hospital money and improve reliability of services offered.
The Suddie Public Hospital, the main hospital in Region Two, offers a wide range of service to residents of Region Two, Moruca and the Islands of Wakenaam and Leguan.

Last week, a delegation from Region One had met with Region Two officials and both teams pledged to work together to improve medical support in their respective regions.
Chairman of the Regional Health and Sanitation Committee Arnold Adams was happy the region acquired the generator, pointing out that he had raised the matter at every Regional Democratic Council (RDC).
Adams, a People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Councillor, said the generator will bring relief to Region Two residents and ensures the hospital has reliable power supply.
In the past, he alleged that many of the hospital electrical equipment were damaged due to sporadic low voltages. The Charity Oscar Joseph Hospital will be getting a similar generator soon.