Dear Readers,
WE’RE now at the end of June which has historically been a special month for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Not only are three environmental days, including arguably the grandest in World Environment Day (WED), celebrated in June, but the EPA also celebrates its anniversary in June. Moreover, this year, with the WED theme being ‘Beat Plastic Pollution’, the EPA continued to influence our country transforming to a green, sustainable society.
As the theme highlighted the dangers of single-use plastics, the EPA executed a National Conversation on Single-use Plastics which attracted representatives from the government, private sector, manufacturing entities, non-governmental organisations, conservation societies and entrepreneurs creating the opportunity to share views on how Guyana can put an end to plastic pollution. This event was a success evidenced by the many ideas that emerged to nurture the movement against plastic pollution and to find solutions to this pesky issue.
According to a study by the Georgetown Mayor and City Council in 2016, 10 per cent of the waste stream from Georgetown comprises single-use plastic products. What this essentially amounts to, is more than 7,000 tonnes of single-use plastic products being taken to the Haags Bosch landfill annually.
Considering that these figures only relate to Georgetown, we can only imagine what the figures for the entire country would be and where those plastic products are ending up. The improper disposal of plastic products has varying effects; drains are clogged, marine life and human health are endangered, and the economy is affected.
It is against this backdrop that the Department of Environment and the EPA will continue to host conversations on single-use plastics. As such, the plastic conversation will continue in Bartica, Region Seven and Linden, Region 10 as listed in the table below:
June 26, 2018- Region Seven – Bartica Town Council Boardroom at 10:00hrs
July 5, 2018 – Region 10 – RDC Boardroom, Linden at 10:00hrs
Through these conversations we aim to garner as many comments from the public as possible so that an effective solution (s) can be found. As such, we invite all interested parties to participate in these events. There is also the opportunity to submit comments to the agency via the EPA’s social media pages, email and letter. We look forward to hearing from you!
You can share your ideas and questions by sending letters to: “Our Earth, Our Environment”, C/O ECEA Programme, Environmental Protection Agency, Ganges Street, Sophia, Georgetown, or email us at or follow us on Facebook and Instagram.