Members support gov’t takeover of GPSCCU

Dear Editor,
WE, the members of the Guyana Public Service Co-operative Credit Union (GPSCCU) wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to the Ministry of Social Protection for acting in the best interest of the entire membership. We have been crying out for help for some time now, finally our voices have been heard.

Mr. Editor, over half of the current directors work directly for Mr. Patrick Yarde, with two other directors being employed directly by the credit union. This is a clear conflict of interest, since as directors they are governing the operation of the credit union and answering to themselves. It is in this regard, we are calling on the honourable minister to call the Annual General Meeting (AGM) so that members of the GPSCCU can access their dividends and elect a management committee that will function in the interest of its members. We also are requesting that an audit be done for the years 2011 to 2017.
We have seen our monies being mismanaged without proper accountability in the form of continuous travelling globally by these directors. When questioned about the travels, members were told that it was to attend conferences, but no forum was presented for members to learn about the information gathered from these conferences. Therefore, we stand firmly behind the decision taken by the ministry.
Mr. Editor, we are aware that these directors will fight at every level to continue to have the power to mismanage our monies. However, as promised during the campaign leading up to the 2015 General Elections, ALL corruptions MUST stop!
S. Greene
S. Smith-Wilson
C. Graham
M. Ramtahal
J. Kerlligan
A. Welch
S. October
M. Layne
K. McKennon
C. Loyola
C. Anderson

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