Cove and John Magistrate Peter Hugh, in collaboration with the ‘C’ Division commander and court superintendent recently held a training programme for ranks within the division.
The ranks were drawn from different sections within the division and topics discussed surrounded the deportment of ranks in court, rules of evidence, evidence and procedures, ethics and preserving evidence for court presentation, among others.
Commander of ‘C’ Division, Senior Superintendent Edmond Cooper said the aim of the training was to bring ranks up to speed with recent legislations and how to give evidence in court, so that the justice system could be improved by the different arms working together.
The senior superintendent said the ranks were very receptive and the training would help to build capacity.
The commander said capacity-building can take place at individual, group or organisational level, but should proceed on the basis of a strategic plan developed with stakeholders.
He explained that more generally, personnel with different skillsets will likely be needed at different levels and different points in the process of police capacity building, and as such guidelines are useful and practicable for those in the field.