Pornography is not for children

NOT so long-ago people used to say, ‘You can’t hide from children nowadays’: meaning that children were not only maturing earlier, but becoming more sexually aware,some of them even before reaching pre-adolescence. Well times have changed yet again and now it is the other way around, as children are now hiding from their parents. Yes parents, all of

you who allow your children to have free range of the internet, you should not be shocked to find out that some primary school children are watching pornography on their ‘smart’ phones and other devices; and as if that is not bad enough, what these youngsters are also doing is sharing their ‘finds’ with other children in their schools or vicinity.

It is almost impossible for a child to grow up nowadays without encountering some form of sexually explicit material. When it’s not music with vulgar lyrics, it’s in the unsuspecting content of films and videos or advertising. Advertisers use sex (scantily dressed women) to sell everything from cars and beer to power tools for men. But all this fades in comparison to the level of debauchery available on the internet at the click of a button. The first thing parents need to realise about the internet is, whatever fantasy or desire a person may have, it is readily available through the ‘net’. The internet is created to meet a vast array of ‘tastes’ across the universe. It is the most powerful tool created for distraction and addiction and it is as easily accessible as a toy.

Therefore, we must protect our children by preserving their innocence for as long as possible. In some cases, it may be too late: your child may have not only been exposed to ‘porn’, but already be addicted to it. Teenagers especially become curious about the hype, so it would be naïve to believe that your teenager has never or will never search for pornographic sites to fulfil his/her curiosity.

In bygone days, parents were embarrassed to tackle the subject of the ‘birds and the bees’, but today there is a lot more that parents have to contend with. They must be internet savvy enough to help their children navigate their way through the cyber world unblemished. The internet is a useful information tool when used correctly. There is a wide selection of entertainment and things to find and do that seem endless. But the internet also holds potential dangers to a child’s development and sense of well-being.

Parents must warn children about inappropriate or sexual materials. Firstly, that they are out there in cyber world but not intended for children or adolescent viewing and secondly, what to do if they come across such materials. Children (of all ages) can quite innocently end up watching adult material that can disrupt their mindsets, because they don’t know how to deal with it.

Build a trusting relationship with your child, one in which he/she would not be afraid to tell you if they hear or see something improper on line. This gives you the opportunity to deal with the matter, rather than remain in the dark about what your child has been exposed to.
Parents must warn children about sexual predators. There are strangers on line that ask children to send or post pictures of their private parts and engage with children in adult conversations. It is a parental responsibility to talk to children seriously about these things.
Parents have a duty to ensure that their children never visit adult chat rooms or post inappropriate pictures of themselves on line.

Parents need to set rules and guidelines with regard to internet use (tablet, phone, laptop etc.) and stick to them. Two hours screen time a day is plenty. Exercise parental control.
Yes, times have changed and continue to change, but one thing that remains constant is the fact that children need guidance; they also need nurturing, love and protection and the best persons to administer these things for maximum effect, are parents.

If you are concerned about the welfare of a child ring the CPA hotline on 227 0979 or write to

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