Two persons are confirmed dead following a horrific smash-up on the Linden/Soesdyke Highway early this morning.
Reports are that a group of persons in a blue Toyota Spacio motorcar were returning to Georgetown when the car crashed into a log-truck in the vicinity of Loo Creek.

Police officer , Corporal Teon Hope and Quason Anthony were listed as the two persons who perished in the early morning accident.
Hope was in the front seat of the car, while the two other persons were seated at the back including the 24-year-old Anthony and Jermaine Samuels who is currently at the Linden Hospital Complex being treated for lacerations to head and shoulder.

The driver is uninjured and is currently in police custody assisting with investigations.
The men were returning to Georgetown after spending the night in Linden at the Town Week International Concert.
According to information reaching this newspaper, the driver of the car was attempting to overtake a moving log- truck when the car slammed into the logs at the back, leaving the car completely mangled.