By Frederick Halley
THE Guyana Ex-Police Association of America (GEPAOA) is currently observing its 51st Anniversary.

Following a brunch at its association hall, East 53rd Street and Clarendon Road last Saturday, which saw an attendance of over 250 persons, members gathered at the St Augustine’s Episcopal Church on Avenue D, Brooklyn, for its annual church service. The officiating priest was Father Lawrence Womack.
In brief remarks at the church service, GEPAOA president Leroy Charles reminded members and invitees about the parable of the seed in the Bible.
According to Charles, “We all know of the parable of the seed; they were sown of four different grounds. Fifty-one years after, here we are, strong and united. So we can safely say that our founding-members seeds fell on good ground, received the seed, and produced much fruit.
“As we look to the future, let us remember that song, ‘Onward Christian Soldiers! Marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus going on before’.
“I want to take this opportunity to thank the St Augustine Church and all its members for allowing us to worship at your church.”
Charles also extended sincere thanks to the several sister Guyanese and Caribbean associations which were part of the impressive congregation. They included the Ex-Guyana Defence Force, Prisons, Guyana National Service, Guyana Unity Movement, Barbados, Trinidad & Tobago, St Vincent & The Grenadines, Belize, Guyanese Nurses Association and Queen’s College Alumni.

During last year’s historic jubilee anniversary, Charles paid homage to the founding fathers of the association, praising them for their vision and ideals which saw the birth of the entity on April 16, 1967. Charles opined that many people were critical of the journey, but pointed out that “Men and women of goodwill and resilience were determined to prevail.”
He also urged members to “constantly rethink our tools, our systems, our responses. We must be wary of providing old answers to new problems, such as how we finance our organisation. We must seize the windows of opportunity that open only once, such as the cohesion that represent all races who served in the Guyana Police Force and have migrated to these shores. Above all, we must continue to be at the centre of social and economic transformation, and in the creation of fair and inclusive societies that provide opportunities for all, irrespective of their circumstances of birth.”
Pointing out that GEPAOA’s mandate remains as relevant as ever, Charles reminded his members that “no organisation has a divine right to exist. Indeed, an institution like ours must count as success that day when it puts itself out of business. As the winds of change, economic change, blow across our cities, we should stand steadfast to reach those challenges…”
At Sunday’s church service, the GEPOA also took the opportunity to make a monetary donation to the church.
Meanwhile, the association’s annual dinner and dance and scholarship awards is set for Saturday, May 19 at Glen Terrace, Avenue N, Brooklyn.