–to spend Easter Monday in the outdoors
DESPITE the threat of rainfall looming overhead, families came out in their numbers to enjoy Easter Monday, one way or the other.

From reports the Guyana Chronicle received, families prepared days in advance for the Easter weekend; purchasing or making kites, organising picnic baskets and crafting lunch menus. At the weekend’s culmination was Easter Monday, the day Christ was said to have risen and the day when kites, of all colours, shapes and sizes, would blanket the sky.
With all preparations made for the day, spirits were dampened-literally and figuratively- when the rains descended. Even when the rains left, it seemed as though many would prefer to stay home rather brave the muddy grounds.

Nevertheless, some families would not let the opportunity to spend quality outdoor time together, pass that easily. The Guyana Chronicle caught up with a few families who were enjoying their Easter Monday despite the gloomy weather.

While the National Park had its crowd, as per usual, many persons seemed to prefer the Botanical Gardens this year.
A mother of three little girls, Dewon Mingo, brought her girls out to enjoy the cool atmosphere and let them frolic in the gardens. “Well, I was thinking of staying home but I still came out here,” she said. “Easter is a nice time you know, they say it’s the resurrection of Christ, so it’s nice to bring the girls out.”
The Khan family, travelling from the East Bank of Demerara, noted that it was their second Easter Monday in the gardens and one member, Sharlene, said that both she and her sister along with their children loved the area.
The Rose family however, has laid claim to one particular spot in the Botanical Gardens for the past seven Easters and has made it a tradition to spend their Easter Monday in the ‘Gardens’. “We sent people earlier to keep the spot and we came out [at around 13:00 hours],” Maylene Rose said.
And for the family, according to Akeema Rose, the holiday is just as anticipated, as Christmas time. The children were picnicking to pass the time, but were eagerly awaiting the sun to fly their kites.

Finally, the Singh family definitely came in their numbers to enjoy the day. According to Indrapaul Singh, her family would usually spend the day on the seawalls but this year, they changed venues.