Dear Editor
THE right to respond is being exercised, pertaining to Milton Bruce’s letter, “The enemies within the gates of the republic” (GC 21st March 2018).
The reference to the quote by Bruce, which borrowed from Ronald Austin Jr’s article that dealt with Guyanese who took out a newspaper advertisement calling on persons not to invest in Guyana, shows clear misunderstanding of the application of the reference or recklessness in wanting to give the impression that I am against investment in Guyana or its development.
Having said that, attention is being drawn to two key positions he articulated, to which serious objection is taken. One, as a trade unionist I’m an activist, because trade unionism emerged from activism and involves daily activism to bring about changes in the lives of citizens/workers, in and out of the workplace. Activism is essential to trade unionism and any group or individual seeking to effect change. On the other darker side, activism is evident in those who seek to silence progressive voices and suppress the masses. Right now Bruce can be classified as engaging in the dark side of activism.
Two, this notion that criticism of government’s performance is unacceptable in government’s newspaper. The government has no newspaper. The people own the Guyana Chronicle and all state media and it is their taxpayers’ dollars that fund these. With this comes corresponding expectation that the people will be free to criticise the government and opposition, who they are paying as representatives to serve them.
It was activism on my part as General-Secretary, Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) on 1st May 2015 when I stood at the rostrum at that Labour Day rally and called on the workers/citizens to “fire the PPP/C and hire the APNU+AFC come 15th May!” That activism came with the expectation that should this group be elected to office it will be better than the PPP/C. It would be an abrogation of my responsibility not to continue my activism to ensure that this government or any future government delivers on expectations and promises. In addition to criticising, there has been support and proposals, but I’ll be damned to think that the latter two should disregard the former when all are important in bringing about a society of equity and public accountability the trade union strives for.
This matter of the subvention being returned was not a favour and to expect silence because it was returned, is to accept that the PPP/C Government was right to remove it because the trade union should not have criticised and hold it to account. When the Forbes Burnham government and the GTUC agreed that labour will play a pivotal role in workers/citizens’ training and education, his administration saw it as an obligation to assist in making it possible for them to be empowered. Burnham did this to establish the trade union (labour) as a social partner in the development of this country, knowing full well that labour would always question or come into conflict with the employer or government.
When the current government was in opposition, it benefitted from my criticisms toward the PPP/C government. These were not partisan, though they rode high on them. Those criticisms were, are and will continue to be driven by wanting better for the workers/citizens. Government and opposition shall be held accountable by me as a citizen and leader, and it matters not who are the actors in either position. My right to vote and civic responsibility to pay taxes and obey the laws carry the corresponding right and responsibility to freely express my views, to ensure that the laws protect citizens/workers and elected officials manage the affairs of state within the framework of.
No. 11 of the Editor-in-Chief’s (EiC) Job Description says, “Terminate the employment of the freelance staff mentioned at No. 10 (above) if they fail to perform satisfactorily within the framework of the editorial requirement of the department.” Appraisal is a day-to-day process and the appraisee, i.e. the freelance staff–according to industrial relations practice and this does not only apply in an unionised environment– needs to be told whether his/her performance is satisfactory or not. At no time had the EiC ever discharged this responsibility and were I fighting this case for a worker, it is a clear violation of due process and can be litigious. The political interference in informing the decision to terminate my and David Hinds’ contract guides my response to this issue. Further, criticism of government’s performance does not constitute non-satisfactory performance, it is the exercise of a civic duty and thinking by the staff, writer/speaker.
Organisations, particularly government, are established on rules, conventions and principles and its effective functioning is reliant on these. The Guyana Chronicle has no exemption! The problem with this government and its enabling supporters is that they do not want to follow rules and respect fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens. When they were opposition and fighting to have access to state media, it was not to have access not to critique the PPP/C government. It is naïve and irresponsible to expect that people should give up their right to criticise.
To the view that there is division in the movement, let it be made known that in 1988 when there was a walkout by seven unions, that was driven by a function of internal differences, which also respected the right to freedom of association. The 1999 scenario, though resulting from different reasons, the principle still obtains. It is the right of every union to determine whether it wants to associate with a federation or not. The principle of solidarity does not deprive of rights; what it seeks is to ensure solidarity around fundamental rights, freedoms and time-honoured principles. Despite the different federations the trade unions, from time to time, have been able to forge unity on common issues, respect for collective bargaining and sugar being two such. This society needs an end to dark activism and an embrace and tolerance to more liberating and progressive thinking.
Lincoln Lewis