Dear Editor,
THERE seem to be some strange activities going on recently at the waterfront area of Water Street, aback of the old House Service Department (Now the City Police Training School), much of which occurs after the normal hours of work.
Out of sheer concern, I visited City Hall to report my observations of what was happening at their property, and to enquire whether they were aware. I was tersely told that this area was leased to a private individual without the fiat or official knowledge of the City Council
I would like to know whether a port facility security assessment was done by the Council before agreeing to lease this area. It seems that the officials are unaware or unconcerned of the potential risks this area presents for illicit activities such as drug trafficking, human trafficking and exploitation, arms trafficking, piracy, terrorism, and cyber security, bearing in mind that there is no security there, no immigration or customs officers for this waterfront area that is in effect a port in the Demerara River, close to the Atlantic Ocean. I
therefore plead with those in authority at City Hall to rethink any plan to place this vulnerable municipal property into private hands.
Shanta Singh