Timely, prompt intervention by CDC

Dear Editor,

IT should be obvious to all, including those who are mouthing the unfounded lies via the opposition mouthpieces that the overtopping that struck the villages of Leonora, Stewartville and Uitvlugt, caused by the Spring tide, was unusual for the height of the waves that struck the communities.

So how can the government be blamed for what was certainly an extreme act of nature, or another manifestation of the ever present, gathering danger of climate change? Is it not contrary to former instances of such occurrence, during the former PPP/C administration, that when such did happen, that there were no complaints from such media? How misleading, shameless, and unconscionable that the editor of such a print can carry journalism to such abysmal depths in frantic efforts just to sustain the ethnic hostility against the A Partnership for National Unity+ Alliance for Change(APNU+AFC).

What the affected residents, especially from Stewartville and Uitvlugt, would have received was immediate response from the Civil Defence Commission (CDC), which mitigated the loss of lives and possible injuries to residents. In clock work time – shelters were identified and those in need of temporary refuge were properly accommodated and fed. Ministers of the government were quickly on the spot, discussing further arrangements for aid with those who lost their homes, as to future assistance. Editor, commendations must be given to the Civil Defence Commission and those joint services, particularly the Fire Service that ensured the Leonora Hospital was cleared of the silt that gathered from the incoming flood waters, and subsequently returned for public service.

Jealous of the well-organised operation that brought instant relief? Not surprising.
The fact that the Sea View squatting area still exist is an indictment of the former administration of the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Housing policy, smack bang in its Region Three stronghold. I wonder how many of those squatters would have applied for houselots?

Obviously, those persons—squatters–would have borne the brunt of the fierce giant waves that struck in an area that could not have been regularised for housing. This is what the detractors should have understood before playing politics over a very serious incident which involves people’s lives and livelihoods. Lying, for political support through resorting to race, is a well- known trick of the PPP/C; but it is empty handed, and void of any assistance for those affected community residents. This is a government for all the people, at any time, and in every situation, period!

Troy Garraway

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