Guyana labour survey to be released on Thursday

THE results of the Guyana Labour Force Survey, for the period July to September 2017, will be officially announced on Thursday by the Bureau of Statistics.

The figures for employment, unemployment, the size of the workforce, age, sex and salary scales are some of the labour force statistics that will be shared with the public. This is the first phase of a continuous quarterly labour force survey programme for which the resulting statistics would be published on a regular basis, a release from the bureau said.

According to the bureau, prior to July 2017 no such survey was regularly conducted in Guyana. This reality hindered the possibility of having up-to-date, objective information to inform evidence-based policy decisions. The bureau said continuous Labour Force Surveys (LFS) is one of the main tools used to track labour market dynamics such as unemployment, job creation and job destruction.

The LFS for the quarters July to September and October to December of 2017 were funded by the IDB and executed by the consulting firm, Sistemas Integrales Ltd. in collaboration with the Bureau of Statistics and the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The format of the LFS execution has ensured that the BOS develop the capacity to now conduct the subsequent LFS for 2018 and beyond. Funding for the 2018 LFS is provided by the Government of Guyana.

The bureau said that once launched the public will be able to access the 2017 July to September LFS bulletin at the Bureau’s website, All future LFS bulletins and reports will be published on the Bureau’s website.

The BOS is urging all Guyanese to support its survey efforts. All LFS selected households are asked to participate by providing the required information to the Bureau’s enumerators and other designated field staff. Individual information would be treated confidentially and would not be published nor shared with any person or organisation. Your information would assist the Bureau to construct the key labour force indicators which are crucial for planning both at the government and private sector levels.


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