–CIG Guyana’s Dr David Singh forecasts
WITH oil on the horizon and the enviable reputation of having one of the world’s most pristine forests, Guyana is well on the way to becoming a model for conservation globally.
This was told to the inaugural Guyana International Petroleum Business Summit and Exhibition (GIPEX) on Thursday by none other than Dr David Singh, head of Conservation International Guyana.
Dr Singh, during a panel discussion, said that a mapping of the country’s forest potential against its petroleum potential between 2018 and 2025 could see Guyana occupying “a very unique position.”
What this means in essence, Dr Singh said, is that 85% of the country’s land mass will have been covered with forests, while per capita, production would exceed 20,000 liters per year per person during the period.
He told the gathering that with such a healthy prognosis, Guyana can become a model world-class economy, but will require the help of all hands on deck to see it come to fruition.
“This, I believe, is a challenge for the oil industry sector today,” Dr Singh said, adding that implausible though it may sound, it is achievable.
And to do this successfully, he said there are three goals the country must strive to achieve. Firstly, Guyanese must remain connected to their eco-systems, and secondly, there should be incentives for the creation of “greener” jobs. The third goal is a determined effort to secure and maintain eco-systems.
“This is highly important for us, even as we maintain our renewable natural capita–our forests,” Dr Singh said.
Ndibi Schwiers, Director of the Department of Environment, who also sat on the panel during the discussion, noted that the production of oil in a “green” environment can be compatible.
She spoke of the firm posture adopted by the government to ensure Guyana becomes a “green” and efficient state in a short space of time. She identified the government’s Green State Development Strategy as the vehicle that would lead to such an achievement.
Schwiers said that the strategy presents an overarching vision for inclusive growth and development for the country.
She said that at this point in time, adopting such a strategy not only distinguishes Guyana from other countries globally, but it can also help it to leapfrog even the developed nations by building a framework that delivers more resources efficiently, less environmental damage, and more socially inclusive societies.
She said that President David Granger has stated time and again that the country has to walk on two legs by balancing oil exploration and sustainable developments.
Schweirs posited that the petroleum sector will play an important, facilitative role in building a diversified “green” economy by funding industrial and social development, including by value-added industries, by funding investments in a renewable base of energy, and enabling “green” transformation through investments in science and technology.