EDWARD Skeete called “Pretty Boy” who was on trial for the alleged “Turning Point” murder back in 2015 bolted down the steps of the Georgetown High Court after Justice Navindra Singh told him he was free to go.
The elated Skeete did not waste any time to exit the Georgetown High Court where he ran onto the road before he was joined by his relatives. The matter was before Justice Singh and a 12-member jury whom he directed to return a formal not guilty verdict as a result of insufficient evidence in the trial. The other accused, Nabadingi Gobin called “Dangles” was not so lucky although he was discharged from this matter he was remanded to prison since he has other matters pending.
However, before Skeete was freed of the alleged 2015 murder Justice Singh told him that he is being given a second chance to turn his life around and he should make use of the opportunity. After which he was un-cuffed and allowed to walk out the courtroom as his relatives and others were clearly overjoyed at his acquittal. Skeete was represented by defence counsel Nigel Hughes while, Nabadingi Gobin called “Dangles” was represented by attorney Mark Waldron in association with Keoma Griffith.
The duo was on trial for the alleged July 14, 2015 murder of Ryan Clementson at Turning Point, Tucville, Georgetown. Leading the state’s case was Narissa Leander in association with Tiffini Lyken and Abigail Gibbs.
During her opening address Leander had told the court that on July 14, 2015 Clementson was shot and he was taken to Georgetown Public Hospital where he succumbed to his injuries. She stated that there was a police investigation and the two accused were charged for the offence. It is alleged that Clementson, of Mocha, East Bank Demerara was on the bridge at Turning Point, when a man rode up on a motor cycle and discharged several rounds in his direction and escaped.
Clementson was shot to his right leg, while Adoyele Solomon, 32, of Tucville, who was in the vicinity was hit to his right shoulder. Clementson subsequently died.