TWENTY-SIX children from Lima Sands and the Charity Housing Scheme in Region Two were recently caught by schools welfare officers for not attending school.
This was done during the Region Two Education Department’s ongoing anti- truancy campaign. According to Senior Schools Welfare Officer Haimraj Hamandeo, since the department launched its 2018 campaign 26 truants were found during the exercises.
Hamandeo said during the exercises, parents were spoken to and issues affecting them were discussed.
Some parents he said complained that transportation costs were too exorbitant for them and as such, they could not afford to send their children to school. In addressing the issue, Hamandeo said those children were transferred to schools closest to them.
He encouraged parents to fulfil their obligations in ensuring that their children attend school regularly and punctually.
Truancy campaigns will continue during the course of the term with the objective of ensuring that all our school-aged children receive the education they deserve. Also, parents are advised to visit the department if they are faced with any difficulty.