THE newest speciality of dentistry is called implantology. In recent times there has been an unprecedented appearance of frequent advertisements in the local print media from dentists soliciting patients for dental implants. But my experience tells me that a large percentage of those patients may very well require a bridge instead.
I consider it my obvious responsibility to provide the public with a clear understanding about the fundamentals of implant dentistry, especially bearing in mind the very high cost of the procedure and the comparative circumstance of substituting for a bridge.
Implants are posts (usually made of a metal called titanium) that are surgically placed beneath your gums to act as artificial tooth roots once they have become integrated with the surrounding bone. The process of osteointegration may take as long as six months. These implants offer stable support to artificial teeth, whether in the form of a single crown, a fixed bridge, or beneath a removable denture.
A conventional fixed bridge still remains an excellent treatment option. However, many individuals who have lost or who will be losing a single tooth may be hesitant to grind down their intact adjacent teeth, especially when the adjacent teeth are free of cavities or restorations. For this reason, I will personally recommend a Maryland bridge which does not require such.
As with any medical or dental procedure, the placement of implants may have a compromised success rate in certain individuals. Some of the reasons to exclude dental implants as a treatment option include: insufficient bone quantity, poor bone quality, inadequate amount of space between your upper and lower teeth, vital anatomical structure in close proximity to the proposed implant site, unrealistic expectations about the aesthetic outcome, or a still growing mouth and face (patients who are too young for this procedure).
Certain chronic diseases such as diabetes, osteoporosis or chronic sinus troubles can have the potential to interfere with the integration of bone to these implants. Individuals who smoke regularly will usually have a poorer prognosis (expected post-treatment status) for the implants in the long run. However, with proper treatment planning, placement selection, and by utilising the appropriate style of implant, the level of success has been tremendous.
To find out if implants are the right choice for you, your dentist will need to evaluate your health history, take impressions of your mouth for planning models, and take the necessary dental x-rays. Your dentist will most likely refer you to have a CAT scan performed to help establish the quality and quantity of your bone, along with determining the best placement and the number of implants that will be required for long-term success.
Implants are more successful in different areas of the mouth because of the various qualities of bone. For example, the front segment of the lower jaw has the densest bone, while the back portion of the upper jaw usually has a bone that is softer and more porous. Implants will have a better chance of success in an area of denser bone.
If it is discovered that you do not have enough bone in certain areas, do not give up hope. Recent studies have proven that implants can be quite successful in bone that has been augmented by either natural or synthetic bone grafts. The degree to which new bone will form within the grafted site differs from one individual to another depending on the type of graft used and the overall health of the patient. This fact alone should make a patient seriously consider opting for a bridge.
The long-term success of implants is, in part, determined by meticulous oral hygiene and regular dental visits. Although you cannot develop cavities or gum disease with implants, it is possible to develop what is called peri-implantitis, which is inflammation of the tissues around the implants.
The most famous case of this was the American superstar singer, James Brown, who had 15 of his dental implants fall out completely during his imprisonment for the illegal possession of a firearm. To prevent such inflammation keep brushing and flossing as you normally would your own teeth, and do not forget to schedule your regular check-ups.