Great things expected from Guyana’s hockey teams – Dr Norton
From L-R, GHB secretary Tricia Fiedtkou stands with Minister with responsibility for Sport Dr George Norton, Pan American Men’s All Star player Medroy Scotland, Women’s All Star Marzana Fiedtkou, Men’s All Star Robert France and president of the Guyana Hockey Board Philip Fernandes (Adrian Narine photo)
From L-R, GHB secretary Tricia Fiedtkou stands with Minister with responsibility for Sport Dr George Norton, Pan American Men’s All Star player Medroy Scotland, Women’s All Star Marzana Fiedtkou, Men’s All Star Robert France and president of the Guyana Hockey Board Philip Fernandes (Adrian Narine photo)

GREAT things are expected of Guyana’s hockey teams, according to Minister with responsibility for Sport Dr George Norton.

Dr Norton at the time was sharing his opinion following the inspection of several certificates presented to three players who were selected as part of an All Star team following the Pan American Indoor Cup held here last year.

The trio, Men’s stars Robert France and Medroy Scotland, along with Ladies’ player Marzana Fiedtkou, were on hand yesterday for a photo opportunity with GHB executives at the Ministry’s Main Street office.
In an invited comment, the Minister said, “We can say that we are expecting if not a gold medal then at least a medal at the upcoming Central American and Caribbean (CAC) games ….”

GHB president Philip Fernandes said, “I think it’s really exciting for Guyana to have representation on a Pan American All Star Team. It is a very great achievement for us as a small hockey-playing nation to have not just one representative but to have three.”
He added, “In the past we have only had one and now to have three. This shows that we are progressing and the quality of the sport is increasing and we look forward to what it can produce for us in the future.”
Guyana will attend the CAC games in August in Colombia.


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