Parking meter rearing its head again

Dear Editor
THE Mayor and City Council parking meter fiasco is rearing its ugly head again, ready to suck the blood of the citizens of Georgetown and others outside of its environs, who will be visiting the city.

The Movement Against Parking Meters and other concerned groups seem to be missing the real reason that the Council (the group of four) is so desperate that they will stop at nothing to get the project going.

The government stopped the project initially, then we had the Malcolm Ferreira-led negotiating team, now it’s the Akeem Peter-led re-negotiation team. A youngster whose exuberance at just being its chairman reminds one of the cat that swallowed the canary.

The truth is that the (fantastic 4) has to deliver. They went to Mexico and signed a pact with the devil, the devil kept his part of the bargain, it is now their time to deliver. The devil is a brutal paymaster, failure is not an option.

Joel Alexander

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