Ann’s Grove: A village on the move
Minister within the Ministry of Natural Resources, Simona Broomes shows off her dancing skills in the presence of young
masqueraders from Ann’s Grove during an engagement in the East Coast Demerara community on Saturday (Adrian Narine photo)
Minister within the Ministry of Natural Resources, Simona Broomes shows off her dancing skills in the presence of young masqueraders from Ann’s Grove during an engagement in the East Coast Demerara community on Saturday (Adrian Narine photo)

–with help from gov’t, resurgence of community spirit

DESPITE the many challenges facing the East Coast Demerara community of Ann’s Grove, the youngsters who hail from there as well as neighbouring villages are determined to make a difference.

With encouragement from Minister within the Ministry of Natural Resources, Simona Broomes, the residents of the community are coming together to ensure that change takes place there.
The community, like many others along the coast, grapples with high incidences of school drop outs, teenage pregnancies, and unemployment, but with the assistance of Minister Broomes and the Ministry of Social Protection, things are falling into place.

On Saturday, upon a return visit to the community, Minister Broomes expressed satisfaction with the progress she has observed within the community. She was greeted by young masqueraders who were eager to hear her words of encouragement.

She told a gathering within the community that it is time that they take stock of their young people; encourage them and let them know the future is bright.
Broomes urged all village leaders to speak positively to the lives of the youths, so that they’d be encouraged to step out and be successful.

“This is just the beginning,” the minister declared, and called on the residents of Ann’s Grove to maintain their rich culture and not fight amongst themselves.
“You must go to school!” she encouraged the mostly young people assembled before her. “The future of Ann’s Grove is bright!” she said.

Present at the meeting were members of the recently founded Ann’s Grove Sisters and Brothers’ group, which, since its formation last year, has since seen an increase in membership, with many more persons expressing an interest to join.

The group undertakes several community projects in partnership with other stakeholders. Such works include clean-up campaigns, fogging, the delivery of first aid, the repairing of bridges, the distribution of school items to children, and the distribution of clothing to the needy.

In keeping with the thrust of the group, Pastor Roxanne Hanover is doing her bit to ensure that the youths of a depressed area within Ann’s Grove are encouraged to do better. The area at reference, Pastor Hanover told reporters, is what is loosely referred to as “Ann’s Grove Backdam”, which many feel, is oftentimes forgotten.

She said that upon the behest of Minister Broomes, the community has since banded together to form another group called the Ann’s Grove Parenting Association, which already boasts over 100 parents.
Those parents, she said, gather every two weeks to discuss matters relating to the young people of the community.

“We have the Child Protection Agency coming on board with us last year, and they did six sessions based on skillful parenting, which benefitted our parents greatly,” Pastor Hanover said, adding:
“We also have a lot of unemployed parents at the back there, so through the Child Protection Agency, we were able to get a couple of them employed.”
The Ministry of Education has also been instrumental in getting parents to send their children to school, she said.

“One of the problems we have at the back there is our children don’t go to school and we have had some improvements,” Pastor Hanover said.
Minister Broomes couldn’t help but feel pleased at the progress she has seen in the village, and stressed what a difference it can make to get things done as a community.

She also applauded the work Pastor Hanover has been doing, and pointed to other senior members of the community who would have worked tirelessly to ensure that the young people of Ann’s Grove are better able to rise above their situation.

Meanwhile, the Ann’s Grove Sisters and Brothers Group, through its president, Ms Unice Fortune brought members of the community abreast of the remarkable progress it has been able to make since it was formed last year.

Since its formation, the group has been primarily involved in activism, and elected an executive body. To date, there are 28 females and seven males within the group. Since the break of 2018, there were 15 new members, Fortune noted.

“We wish to say a big thank you to Honourable Simona Broomes and team for the great work they have started in Ann’s Grove,” Fortune said. “We are very grateful; we promise that in everything we do to give it our best, and nothing but our best.”

In response, Minister Broomes encouraged the group to continue the good work. “You have it within you to press the switch in your life and make it bright,” she said. “We will transform Ann’s Grove as a people, like we will transform Guyana,” she added.
She also announced that she will be sponsoring the community’s masquerade band for this year’s Mashramani.

She made the commitment following an inspiring performance by the group of young boys, and urged the community to preserve their culture.
“I am happy the men and women are maintaining their culture,” she said, adding:
“Broomes will sponsor the masquerading team; you will have new uniforms.”

She however encouraged the budding masqueraders to take their books; to remain in school and make something of themselves, adding that there must be a balance between school and culture, as the one cannot survive without the other.

Head of the masquerade band, Otis Barry expressed much gratitude to Minister Broomes for her assistance, and said masquerade dancing is a continuing heritage. Barry teaches young boys, aged four to 14 the art.


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