Dear Editor,
THERE seems to be a blatant disregard by an increasing number of drivers for traffic signals in Guyana. Drivers can be seen casually driving through red lights at many of the traffic signals in and around Georgetown and its environs. In many instances, when traffic signals at one street change to red and the other green, persons with the green “go signal” often times are forced to wait, while several cars drive through the red “stop signal”.
Apparently, the amber light no longer serves as a warning to drivers to slow down for the approaching red light which signals drivers to stop. This signal seems to urge drivers to go even faster. This dangerous practice must stop immediately.
Another moving violation committed by drivers (particularly minibus drivers plying the Homestretch Avenue route), is to turn south on to Vlissengen Road — especially when the light is red — only to make a U-turn and then turn left on to Croal Street. This hazardous manoeuvre oftentimes places the unsuspecting drivers in very dangerous situations.
The two scenarios outlined are not unique to Guyana. However, many countries in the world have put measures in place to deal with errant drivers, particularly those who flagrantly drive through red lights at traffic signals. In Guyana, stringent measures must be put in place to ensure that drivers at least adhere to the traffic signals. With this level of disregard for a simple rule of stop and go by drivers, it is no wonder ubiquitous lawlessness is displayed on our roadways.
It is unfortunate that passengers who travel in minibuses whose drivers commit these traffic violations are silent. The noise only comes when persons are involved in inevitable accidents that result from such dangerous actions. People have to be more proactive, so that they can protect themselves from the dangerous conditions that exist on our roads.
While the installation of cameras may be costly at the moment, at least the Traffic Department of the Guyana Police Force could place ranks at certain traffic signals to catch and charge drivers who violate the traffic signals.
Richard Francois