Where is your happiness, Lester Sealey?


“IF Welch can disclose publicly who tickled him causing him to whine, he can rest assured that I’ll drop the “lawsuit”.

Well, Sealey did not even allow 48 hours to elapse before another letter appeared in the Guyana Chronicle, choosing not to even wait for my public disclosure to fulfil his promise to drop the “lawsuit”.

In my letter captioned ‘Sealey struggling to convert thinking,’ I correctly spoke of his obsession with certain individuals, which has evidently become more comical than fear-provoking.

Even though he has released me from the load of disclosing ‘who tickled me causing me to whine,’ I will nonetheless tell my supporters who the person is, and while many may know, including Sealey, I will say that it was Sealey’s jokey article of September 8, 2017, which appeared in the Kaieteur News that tickled me.

So much for my public disclosure, Sealey.

Now that he has provided a relief for my anticipated ‘day in court,’ I no longer care to respond further to his Sunday, January 7, 2018 article that appeared in the Guyana Chronicle.

I sincerely hope that my response will find favour with the management of the national newspaper and be afforded timely publication.

The former administrator, who according to him gave 28 years of service to the sport, has exposed a mysterious obsession with me and my writing, and it was with some alarm that I found his threat to take me to court, since he has been guilty of accusing me of being a hired pen.

I at no time contemplated taking him to court, even though he cannot find one iota of evidence to prove his accusation.  That is where ability and maturity come in, and these two characteristics are sadly missing from Sealey’s repertoire.
This sad figure who has referred to many quotes in the past from philosophers and other dignified human beings, with a famous one being, “if one were to ask me for the prerequisite of being involved in sports, I would say the first thing is to be happy,” is clearly acting contrarily to this notion that he mentioned in one of his confusing missives.

Where is your happiness, Sealey?

Sealey, you have attempted to slander nearly all and sundry in the football landscape, even those who did not allow “confounded nonsense” during their stewardship, and a certain principal of the Petra Organisation, so there is the argument of you being delusional and my favourite word for you, ‘giddy’.

I was tempted to follow the advice of the outstanding former First Lady of the United States of America Michelle Obama, who said in the not-too-distant past “when they go low, we go high”, but somehow I could not contain myself and allow your absurdity to go unnoticed.   I may have to apologise to the articulate First Lady whose intellect and charisma I adore.

I am a different kettle of fish, Sealey, let us stay within the ambit of constructive exchange and not descend to threats of lawsuits. I implore you to think for yourself and not be goaded by those who are afraid to be known.

As you may know, whenever I write I always put a name to it, because I believe that it is wrong to criticise someone or an entity and not offer a name or face. It is not my style, so you don’t have to wonder who the author is in response to your articles. On the subject of football and levy fees, I strongly feel that your articles have served to guide the Guyana Football Federation’s thinking, but in the absence of dialogue with stakeholders it is a big mistake, and time will bear me out on this.

Sealey, it is clear that you have not released yourself from the period of iron-fisted rule, so your thinking is not in line with today’s philosophy. I may remind you and all those that support your notion, that even the fiercest battle zones always have a line of communication for ceasefire, should it be required.
If your ideas are taken on board, then it may very well be a similar scenario of who has the bigger nuclear button on their desk.

Can football, which is struggling at best to find its footing following years of negative publicity and hegemonic rule, survive such state of affairs? If we decide not to fool ourselves, then the answer is no.

Eagerly anticipating future exchanges.

Rawle Welch

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