I WAS anxiously awaiting the last service of the year at Love & Faith Outreach Ministries and as usual, it was powerful. I was determined to go from the beginning and not miss out on anything. The singers looked impeccable with their beautiful outfits and the contagious energy filled every part of that church. The service began at 22:00hrs on the dot with some of my favourite worship songs.
When WAY MAKER by Travis Greene started I was in another world oblivious of anyone around me. The words of that song penetrate deep inside: “WAY MAKER, MIRACLE WORKER, PROMISE KEEPERS, LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS.” We had guest performances from an excellent steel pan player and saxophonist. The choreographer certainly went the extra mile because the dancers were dynamic and the costumes were exotic.
I reflected on New Year’s Eve 2015 when I was in this same church with a different mindset and I shared it in LIVING WITH INTENTION and will share it with you today.
Sharing an excerpt from FOCUS:
“The stunning reflection in the mirror that was looking back at me as I prepared for New Year’s Eve church service, at Love & Faith Outreach Ministries in 2015, comes to mind. An up-close look at the eyes showed some sadness but one had to look deep to see the determination.
My elaborate purple skirt with lattice around the bottom was cascading like the rapids in my country, Guyana. My signature latticing formed a V see-through panel up the left side. The top was fitted with one sleeve and transparent around the upper chest area. My makeup was done professionally and I was sporting a cute short black hairstyle instead of my long blond signature braids. As I viewed myself in the mirror, I realised how tall I was because of the beautiful suede six-inch heels. The reflection was flawless but the inner me was in turmoil.
The year 2015, I started being more real with Sonia. I realised that although I was purposeful and focused, I needed to accelerate my growth plan because growth just doesn’t happen without a plan.
The law of intentionality says growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow will get better and do better. We all experience growth gaps to prevent us from achieving our greatness. It can be an assumption that growth is automatic. Sometimes we know we need to grow but knowing how can be a problem. Maybe you don’t think you have a growth environment but get started as there is never a perfect time to start. Just get started!”
I smile with satisfaction because I am in a better place now because of my desire to get closer to God. IT HAS BEEN THE BEST DECISION EVER. When I look at the picture I took that night and the one I took now I can see and feel the change.
It was a pleasure to see Hon. Minister of State, Joseph Harmon joining us again for this special service. Hon. Raphael Trotman is a member and he was also in attendance. Also, Yldiz Pollack Beighle who is now Foreign Minister for Suriname and a member of Love & Faith. Apostle Brooks and the elders prayed for these ministers to have a progressive and people-focused year for their respective ministries.
The sermon deposited so much into our souls to start the new year. We had a rocking after party and the band was led by the talented Earl Bishop. The music was so good I started waltzing with one of my favourite seniors.
I arrived home about 01:30hrs so energised which made it hard to sleep. I finally drifted off about 04:00hrs listening to the audio bible.
I don’t intend to waste a day in 2018 and neither should you. Share some of the changes you have already made the first week of this brand new year.
Email us at beyondtherunway1@gmail.com and visit our FB page at beyond the runway as we continue this beautiful journey called life BEYOND THE RUNWAY.