Berbice cricket stakeholders concerned about interference

Dear Editor

WE the Cricket Stakeholders of Berbice are extremely concerned at the recent happenings in the Upper Corentyne area as they relates to the management of cricket.

We are therefore seeking your assistance in highlighting these concerns, so that the general public can be informed. Editor, it has come to our attention via an article published in a recent newspaper publication of an election of office-bearers to the Upper Corentyne Cricket Association (UCCA).
The general public should be informed that there is already a legitimate UCCA executive body in place that was elected on the 27th September, 2017. It is therefore inconceivable that a few misguided persons from two clubs could form themselves into a body with the assistance of a person who is closely associated to a faction that manipulated the recent Berbice Cricket Board elections. Incidentally, these elections were deemed to be null and void and of no legal effect in an action brought by Mr. Albert Smith and others before the Honourable Justice Navendra Singh in the Berbice High Court and new elections have since been ordered.
Sir, the UCCA is a duly registered body that is tasked with managing and developing the game among other things in the Upper Corentyne area. It is a registered body with a fully constituted executive body.
The members are Messrs. Dennis De Dandrade, President; Sydney Aloysius Jackman,Vice-President; Winston Roberts,Secretary; Chatrapaul Lionel, Treasurer and Deodat Persaud Thakurdin, Navendranauth Balram and Clayton Ricardo Griffith, Committee Members.
Sir, it is extremely disturbing and strange that this association which was formerly lead by an Interim Management Committee met and elected the above-mentioned persons on the 27th September, 2017 could have had elections again in December 2017.
It is unbelievable that persons could be influenced by the false promises of a person aligned to the former BCB could call elections in an organisation when they had no authority to do so.

This action of this unscrupulous faction of Berbice cricket who on numerous occasions tried to wrest control of Berbice’s cricket from the legitimate administrators have now revealed the depths to which they will stoop. This move to set up a parallel UCCA was in anticipation of new elections of the BCB and is nothing but a vote-procuring act. It is therefore small wonder that this illegal president of the illegal BCB could move with such remarkable speed to give recognition to this de facto body without consideration of the legitimate body already in place. Further, it is not coincidental that the executive which moves were made to oust were openly supportive of the Hilbert Foster candidacy at the now nullified BCB elections.
It is a known fact that the President of the UCCA had nominated Foster for the position of President of the BCB. It is also a fact that the Secretary of the UCCA, Mr. Winston Roberts, took a very principled stand by refusing a position of vice-president to Mr. Somwaru and further by pronouncing on the elections as being fraudulent.

It is therefore our considered opinion that this move to set up a parallel UCCA is an act of ‘payback time’ for what occurred on October 8. We are therefore calling on all cricket-loving pundits, the private sector, sponsors and potential sponsors, cricketers and clubs not to be influenced by these imposters who want to seize authority of Berbice cricket via the back door, as what had obtained at those elections.
Yours Respectfully
Berbice Cricket Stakeholders

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