Embrace culture of peace, goodwill– President Granger urges
President David Granger
President David Granger

THE sacred festival of Christmas which celebrates Jesus’ birth – in a lowly manger, in the obscure little town of Bethlehem – was a sign of the Divine desire for worldwide peace and compassion for the common folk, President David Granger said.

In his Christmas message, the President said Jesus’s birth brought a message for mankind that is recounted in St. Luke’s gospel in the Holy Bible which proclaims: “Glory to God in the highest and, on earth, peace, good will toward men.”

“Christians and non-Christians alike can observe this festival by promoting peace and goodwill between each other – in our homes, factories, fields, offices and schools and in our neighbourhoods and communities.

“Let us embrace the universal values of peace and goodwill and extend to everyone the Guyanese tradition of hospitality this year and in the future.

“Let us all work together towards creating a culture of peace and goodwill.
Happy Christmas!” President Granger urge


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